As the lazy, hazy days of summer wind down, many of us are consumed with school supply lists, scheduling anxiety and school lunch conundrums. Preparing for school doesn’t have to be stressful, though. Here are five helpful tips to keep you, and your family, sane during back-to-school season. Plan Ahead, Together We all know the […]
Tag: Health
Nothing is more important than our health – and that includes moms and children. How to live a healthy and sustainable lifestyle is in the forefront of the resources we provide to parents. There are so many factors in our daily lives that contribute to our overall health – nutrition, environment, products – it is important for us to take a holistic look at how we can better our health in all we do. Our articles provide tips and advice that we can all use to create a better environment for ourselves and our families. Moms move the world; let’s make it a healthier one.
Healthy, Kid-Friendly Smoothie
Sometimes I wonder if other people get as much pleasure as I do from seeing their children eat healthy food. There is just something so reassuring about it, knowing that vitamins and nutrients are being flooded through their growing bodies. Luckily, on these hot, summer August days, smoothies are a big hit in my home. […]
Summer Salad – Hold the Lettuce
On more than one occasion I’ve heard my pre-schooler exclaim: “I love Kale!” or “Spinach is my favorite food!” This is typically followed by a statement that she will eat salad when she is seven, or some other very arbitrary age, date or time in the future. So, while my daughter loves to help me […]
Preparation Strategies for Children with Hospital Fears
Going to the hospital can be scary for patients of any age, but especially for children who have no idea what to expect and have heard fear-based language from others. When your child needs to undergo some sort of treatment in the hospital, you can do something to alleviate those fears. It all starts by […]
Tips to Minimize Your Child’s Fear of the Dentist
Compared with the level of dental care available today – with revolutionary products, innovative procedures and state-of-the-art equipment – the care that parents received years ago as youngsters was seemingly from the Stone Age. Some parents may have had difficulty relinquishing the fears they concocted as a result of those experiences. They must, however, find […]
How to Help the Medicine Go Down: Teleclass Re-cap
Do you struggle to get your kids to take their medicine? When your little one is feeling under the weather, the last thing you want to do is battle over getting them to take the medicine they need to feel better. We recently held a very helpful, empowering teleclass with Sonia Patel, Chief Pharmacist at […]
Skewered Snacks and Sides
Sometime last year, my preschooler went through a toothpick phase. We didn’t need a fork or spoon – a toothpick was our preferred utensil. I was happy to accommodate the request so long as she remained willing to spear blueberries, cantaloupe, strawberries and even peas at mealtime. I was reminded again recently that skewers are […]
Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Do’s and Don’ts for Supporting Cancer Patients
Dear Readers, It is a pleasure to introduce you to my guest columnist, Susan Rancourt. (Full disclosure: Susan is my sister-in-law.) I think you will agree that her list of “Do’s and Don’ts for Supporting Cancer Patients” is chock full of great advice. For example, instead of saying to a cancer patient, “What can I […]