Keeping children healthy as they grow is important. Unfortunately, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have found that more than a third of all children are overweight or obese. That’s a genuine problem for them, since being overweight in their formative years makes it far more likely they’ll be overweight their entire life… […]
Tag: Health
Nothing is more important than our health – and that includes moms and children. How to live a healthy and sustainable lifestyle is in the forefront of the resources we provide to parents. There are so many factors in our daily lives that contribute to our overall health – nutrition, environment, products – it is important for us to take a holistic look at how we can better our health in all we do. Our articles provide tips and advice that we can all use to create a better environment for ourselves and our families. Moms move the world; let’s make it a healthier one.
Better Health Better Romance
Actress Eva Mendes dropped women’s jaws around the country when she said that sweatpants cause divorce. What was meant to be a light-hearted comment turned into a full debate among social circles nationwide. Are sweatpants really that bad? Although Eva Mendes has made a public apology, people are still analyzing the comment. It’s brought to […]
Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Should I Let My Daughter Spend Time with My Abusive Mother?
My childhood was fraught with emotional, psychological, and physical abuse by my mother. She was a daily drunkard for most of those years. Although sober for many years, she has been a pill abuser off and on. My father knew what was going on but never intervened. My daughter Rachel was born in 2005 and […]
Superfoods are Super Foods for Children
You may have heard of the term ‘superfoods’, but what are they? These are foods that are packed with nutrients including antioxidants, minerals and vitamins. Often, children are picky eaters and you may never expect them to eat a superfood. Not true! Here are some of my favorites that are good for you and your […]
Caring for a Sick Baby
There is nothing more stressful or scary for a mom than a sick baby. And now that the older kids are back in school, colds and viruses are bound to be coming home. So, how do you keep the germs away from not only your baby, but the rest of the family as well? And […]
How to Get Your Kids In The Kitchen
You’ve heard it before – get your kids in the kitchen. But it doesn’t always sound as appealing when you think about the extra time and mess that it may create for you. So, here are tips for how to actually include your little ones in the kitchen in a productive way that both you […]
Navigating the Gluten-Free Holidays. Cookies and Candies and Treats, Oh My! Teleclass Re-cap
The holidays are full of dietary pitfalls for even the most careful eater. But those goodies can spell trouble for anyone, especially kids, suffering from celiac disease or other gluten-related problems. We recently held a highly informative and helpful teleclass on this topic, generously sponsored by NYU Langone Medical Center and expertly presented by Ayelet Schieber, pediatric RD, […]
Parenting 101: What New and Expectant Parents Should Know – Teleclass Re-cap
Since we rarely get the opportunity to ask all the questions we want, and our time is often limited and even rushed, imagine having a dedicated hour with a pediatrician to get ALL your burning new mom questions answered! Participants were in luck when one of the country’s top pediatricians from Weill Cornell Medical Associates […]