Jezra Kaye’s previous column provides great insight for white readers on the issue of race. Here is a look at some of the constructive discussions generated from it!
Tag: News

Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: An Interview with Christine Crosby
Grand Magazine’s Christine Crosby recently wrote and posted an article titled, “Here Are My Thoughts About Separating Children From Their Families.”

Readers’ Comments: Impacts of the Election on Family Relationships
Many readers responded to my column, Impacts of the Election on Family Relationships. Although I focused primarily on family relationships, many readers report that the presidential election affects non-familial relationships as well. For example, one reader writes: “Someone posted this comment on your column [referenced above]: ‘Just experienced a “it’s better if we don’t talk” […]

Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Impacts of the Election on Family Relationships
This is an unabridged version of my column that will be published in the March/April issue of GRAND Magazine. Prior to the presidential election I wrote two columns on how the presidential campaign was impacting family relationships: (1) “Grandparents’ Political Rants Are Upsetting;” (2) “Readers’ Responses to Grandparents’ Political Rants.” Post-election, many readers who did […]

Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Readers’ Responses to Grandparents’ Political Rants
My column, “Grandparents’ Political Rants Are Upsetting,” elicited responses from many readers. Impacts on Relationships A common theme expressed by several readers is the impact this presidential campaign is having on personal relationships. For example, one reader wrote: “Good advice — I think you might need to do some reruns of this [column] in the […]

New Resource for Parents: BIBB Magazine
As you know Mommybites is the go-to community for quality parenting resources, support and education so when we met the BIBB Magazine team during the ABC Kids Expo…and then saw their beautiful magazine, we just had to share with you! Built by entrepreneurs and fueled by a passion for working with baby and kids brands, […]

Olympics Family Fun
Not to sound cliché, but what I love most about the Olympics is that it’s truly “good ol’ fashioned family fun.” When much of what our country currently sees on TV is violent or reality-ridden, it’s refreshing to watch dedicated, hardworking and talented people pursue their dreams. When was the last time there was something […]

Create Your Own Backyard Olympics
This month, the Olympics will bring a multitude of sports to our living rooms, that with some imagination and creativity, we as parents can bring to our kids on a smaller scale. Here are just a few ideas of how you can create a memorable Backyard Olympics for your children.