We are grown-ups of the New Age, right? It is no longer a just-do-as-I-say world. We respect our kids and want them to feel heard and understood. If we are so awesome at this, then why am I spending hours negotiating with my kid while the veins in my head feel like they are going […]
Author: Brandi Davis, ACC

My Toddler is Masturbating: What Should I Do?
A Mommybites reader and concerned parent asks: My child has, umm, found herself. My mom says that I must make her stop and put her in time out. My friend says let her be. What do I do? Ahh, yes. We think we have time before we have to talk to our kids about masturbation. […]

Approaching a New Year with Less Frustration
I want to head into the new year feeling less, well… MAD all of the time. I find myself frustrated and angry, and I do not want to parent this way. I get this. The new year always brings about self-reflection. This is a great question and many will probably want to follow in your […]

“Be a Big Boy” (Or “Girl”) and Other Popular Phrases to Avoid
I do not often go off on a full blown rant, so I figured why not? It is about time. Want to come along for the ride? Here we go… There are a bunch of phrases or sayings or sentences or whatever, that grown ups say to kids all the time. There are three in […]

When the Older Sibling is Hurting the Baby
My child is hitting our 10 month old. I am trying to be understanding about this but he is 3 and big and I don’t want him to hurt the baby. What to do? Ahhhh, yes, sibling rivalry begins. It is tough to be the big sibling, with everyone fawning all over the baby, sigh. […]

Should This Mother Allow Her Son to Wear a Tutu to School?
A Mommybites reader asks: My three year old son wants to wear a tutu to school. He sees his sister wearing one and wants to as well. I don’t know what to do. Yes or no? First ask yourself what about this bothers you. Are you worried that his peers or teachers will disapprove or […]

These Are the Best 9 Toddler Tantrum Survival Strategies
Ahhh, The Epic Toddler Tantrum. It is a masterful thing. Number one, remember that it is not about you. Your child might be mad at you, but the child’s explosion is about him and his feelings, and you do not have to own those feelings as well. He is not in pain, he is PISSED. Let him be mad, you do not have to be as well.

This Is How to Develop Self-Esteem and Independence in Your Toddler
I’m not sure what my toddler can do by herself. I want her to be independent but I don’t want to push her too hard as she is only 2.3 years. If she goes to school, the first step is to ask what she does solo there. In many schools, toddlers put their own lunch on […]