Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin needed by all babies and children. Vitamin D for kids is important, and they get vitamin D from sunlight and food. From April to the end of October, children who are outside playing for 15 to 30 minutes a day can absorb the daily recommended dose of vitamin […]
Author: Dr. Gina Lamb-Amato

This Is How to Get Your Baby to Sleep
A Mommybites reader asks Dr. Gina Lamb-Amato: My baby is having sleep problems – what can I do? Getting your baby to sleep can be challenging and stressful. Some babies go to sleep when you put them down and never have sleep issues. Some babies may not initially demonstrate trouble with sleeping, but will suddenly […]

Baby Acne: Causes and Treatment
It is common for babies, especially when they are first born, to have an “acne type” rash over their faces. Baby acne usually is on the cheeks, forehead and chin.

This Is How to Care for a Baby’s Mouth and Teeth
What are some ways I can keep my baby’s mouth and teeth healthy? Baby teeth and caring for them is very important. When baby teeth are infected with strep mutans infection, this infection can be transmitted to permanent teeth and cause damage. It is essential to take care of primary baby teeth, even though they fall […]

Why Do Babies Smile? Smiling and Early Development
Why do babies smile? There is nothing more wonderful than seeing your baby smile. You feel so filled with happiness and love seeing that smile. Just as babies developmental milestones in crawling and walking for example there are different stages or milestones in how babies develop their smiles. One of the first questions pediatricians ask […]

I Don’t Want My In-Laws to Watch My Baby
It can be very awkward dealing with in-laws or other relatives when it comes to their wanting to help take care of your baby. First and foremost you are the baby’s mother and if you don’t feel comfortable leaving her with your in-laws then you should not.

How Should a Partner Help with a Newborn Baby?
Having a newborn infant is both a wonderful and stressful time. Although a new mother is often overwhelmed with a new infant she is often the one who spends the most time with the infant and who feels the most bonded to the infant. A newborn can put stress on a relationship and often the partner feels on the outside or is not sure what to do. When both partners know what is expected of them things run much more smoothly.
When Can You Stop Burping Your Baby?
Your baby will guide you as to when is the best time to stop burping. Most parents stop burping their babies between the ages of 4 to 6 to 9 months.