In regards to personal care products there are no government safety regulations or testing of components and chemicals in these products as there are for food and medications.
Author: Dr. Gina Lamb-Amato
What Shots Does My Baby Receive and When?
There are certain basic immunizations that all children receive but each state has its own requirements, which may vary state to state. The following is the recommended immunization schedule for children in the United States:
Healing after Vaginal Birth
It takes a while to recover and feel like yourself before pregnancy. If there were any complications during your pregnancy or delivery the recovery time is even longer.
Agreement Terms You Should Include in Your Nanny Contract
inding and employing the right nanny for your baby is a complicated process, which requires a lot of time and research.
This Is How Parents Can Assess a Nanny/Baby Relationship
All mother’s who have a nanny are always concerned that their nanny and baby have an excellent relationship. There are signs and clues to knowing the quality of your baby’s relationship with her nanny.
Should Parents Allow Babies to Watch TV or Movies?
My answer to this question is not going to make a lot of parents happy but my answer is no. Babies under two-years-old should not watch TV or go to see a movie. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends NOT putting babies under two-years-old in front of television or movies.
This Is How to Find a Toddler Playgroup
When you are a new mother especially if this is your first baby you can feel overwhelmed by everything and have little time to figure out how to find playgroups for your baby especially if your friends do not have babies or toddlers close to your child’s age. Finding Playgroups in Your Area There are […]
When to Stop Swaddling a Baby
Many newborn and young infants love being swaddled because it makes them feel safe and secure. However, by the time infants are three or four months, they should not be swaddled as they need to be able to move around freely – especially while they are sleeping or napping.