Someone once told me that having twins feels like chronic insanity… and they were right. My twins are 2.6 years old. I am happy to say that we are in a very good place at the current time; however, the road up to now has been filled with many moments of insanity. Hindsight is a beautiful thing. […]
Author: Jen Genel

Twin Talk: I Don’t Always Love Being a Mom (There, I Said It)
Before anyone starts judging, I would like to point out that I didn’t say I didn’t love my children. I just said I don’t always love being a mom. What prompted me to write this was the other day, I was reading a post on a very popular Instagram account. It was the account of […]

Twin Talk: Twin Tip – Chux Liners
I love writing my Twin Talk posts, and hope that you have enjoyed reading them. My goal has always been to educate, inform and give an honest (and humorous) look into what it is really like to be the parent of twins. That said, in addition to answering questions and sharing my experiences, I am […]

Twin Talk: Finding a Baby Nurse
You’re having twins. You’re feeling overwhelmed. You think you will need help. Hire a full- time baby nurse, right? Maybe. A baby nurse can be a wonderful way to transition into motherhood. By having the right baby nurse you will have help with scheduling, feeding, and bathing – and you will be able to get […]

Twin Talk: Tandem vs. Double Wide Stroller
Which stroller is better for twins… double wide or tandem? This is a question I am frequently asked. As for the answer, it’s really a personal preference. Something to think about before purchasing your double stroller is lifestyle and location. A lot of the families that I work with, who live in the city, choose […]

Twin Talk: What I Have Learned Since Having My Twins
My twins are turning 3 this month. I can honestly say that having them has been a non- stop learning curve. I’ve learned practical things, like how to prepare a bottle, to emotional things, such as how much it hurts you when your child is sad. Then there is everything in-between. I noted a few […]

Twin Talk: Can My Twins Share a Crib?
Can My Twins Share A Crib? Yes – twins can share a crib in the beginning. Typically they are OK in the same crib for the first three months. If one or both of your twins are early rollers, then you will want to separate them sooner. **Crib safety reminder: no bumpers, pillows, blankets or […]
Twin Talk: Hello… Remember Me?
Before I had my twins, I had often heard moms say that they “lost” themselves after having their kids. They were so wrapped up in family life that they forgot about their own needs. I remember thinking with judgment, “How is that possible?” and “That will never happen to me!” Fast forward… it happened. I […]