Dear Dr. Gramma Karen, My husband and I are grandparents with grandchildren in college. Although they appear to be handling their experiences fine, we are becoming alarmed by the many articles in the media about the increase in anxiety, depression, and suicides among college students. One of our friends who has similar concerns about this […]
Author: Dr. Karen Rancourt

Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Grandparents’ Favoritism Is Upsetting Young Parents
My husband and I have two sons, a four-year old, and a two-and-a-half-year old. We are dealing with some grandparent favoritism issues. My husband’s parents will drop everything for their daughter’s family (who has two kids, three and six), but my family and kids always seem to come second. For example, after my husband and […]

Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Interview with Ed Leuchs
Another awesome interview from Dr. Gramma Karen and her friend and colleague, Ed Leuchs. They touch on important topics such as voting and grandparents raising their grandchildren – a must read with some great information.

How to Tell my Children Their Grandmother has Cancer
My mother-in-law, with whom my seven-year-old daughter and eight-year-old son are close, has just been diagnosed with lymphoma cancer. What advice do you have for what we tell them about their grandmother’s health situation? I want you to know how very sorry I am about your mother-in-law’s diagnosis. As a young parent, statistics indicate that […]

Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: An Interview with Deborah Zeigler
Check out Dr. Gramma Karen’s interview with her colleague, Deb Zeigler, a Gerontologist!

A Grandmother Is Hesitant to Voice Concerns about Granddaughters’ Dietary Habits
I have a question requesting clarification on your column, “Aunt Has Issues with Her Niece”. This situation is real for me in regards to my daughter-in-law, Megan, and her two daughters, Laura (age 10) and Amanda (age 4). They recently moved near us and I now spend more time with them. In your advice you […]

How to Handle My Spoiled Niece and Nephew
As an aunt who has not been asked to get involved in the much-needed “unspoiling,” your best and strongest course of action is to use your home-team advantage.

Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Should Grandparents Share Their Views on Sex, Drugs, and Alcohol?
Our two grandchildren have just – gasp! – entered their teen years. We’re hoping you can give us advice on talking with them about peer pressure and issues involving sex, drugs, and alcohol. We are fortunate in that we are on the same page as their parents in these matters, but we also feel that as their grandparents we might have some different approaches and opportunities than what they have with their parents. And is it even our place to engage on these topics?