Today I’m writing from my hometown—not the one I’ve adopted as an adult but the one where I spent the first eighteen years of my life. It feels a little funny to be here. It’s not because I’m (supposedly) a grown-up hanging out in the spaces where I used to be a kid. It’s not […]
Author: Leah Lonsbury
Leah Lonsbury is writer and mom who has worked as a pastor for two progressive churches. She has also taught high school English and worn a variety of other professional hats. A native of Kansas City, Missouri, Leah went to seminary in Atlanta, Georgia and now resides in Madison, Wisconsin. She currently spends her time chasing her two children, working for justice in her community, volunteering with the Alliance of Baptists, and writing preaching resources for The Immediate Word.

Big Question – Why Bad Things Happen
Ok, here goes. Here’s my best attempt to answer the question that I’ve heard in a variety of ways on the playground bench, in hospital rooms, on airplanes, in the grocery store line, and even in the middle of a party attended by former Catholics, non-practicing Jews, highly intellectual secularists, and all-people-lovin’ hippies. In this […]

Kids and Spirituality
This past summer I packed up and left my sweet little church office that overlooked gorgeous woods where red foxes regularly play. I also stepped out of the pulpit, turned in my clergy visitor badge at the hospital, and said my goodbyes to the people who had trusted me to bless their babies, perform their […]