When your child is crying over a headache, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and frightened. Many parents instantly start thinking something is seriously wrong when their child is holding his or her head and crying, but the good news for worried parents is that most childhood headaches have fairly straightforward causes. While you seek relief […]
Category: col1

Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Grandparents Question Participation Trophies
Our grandchildren (grade-school age) have started playing sports. We are wondering about the phenomena of giving every child a trophy, no matter the outcome of his/her season. To us, it seems like an idea that doesn’t help children deal with defeat, the value of practice and trying again, hard work and teamwork – in other […]

A Guide to Choosing an International School
Choosing the right school for your kids can be nerve-racking—whether you’re just moving to New York City or trying to figure out your family’s educational path. Even though our children live in a digitally connected world, they can still feel disconnected and out of place. An international school can be the perfect place to hone […]

Taking Care of Newborns during Cold, Flu and COVID-19 Season
Having a newborn during a pandemic is stressful, and any chance of being sick can be unnerving. Check out the answers to all COVID and newborn-related questions here!

My Toddler is Masturbating: What Should I Do?
A Mommybites reader and concerned parent asks: My child has, umm, found herself. My mom says that I must make her stop and put her in time out. My friend says let her be. What do I do? Ahh, yes. We think we have time before we have to talk to our kids about masturbation. […]

This Is How to Check for Diastasis Recti
Your body goes through many changes during pregnancy, but did you know diastasis recti is one of them? Learn more about what it is and how you can prevent it!

This Is How to Stop Kids from Whining
There’s nothing that gets on a parent’s nerves like a whining child. However, it is important that we don’t lose our cool. There’s a right way and a wrong way to stop kids from whining. From gripe to grumble, these 8 tips can help you stop your kids from whining. Be Aware of Age If […]

9 Long-Term Effects that Pregnancy Has on Your Body
Your body changes in so many ways during and after your pregnancy. It may be difficult to identify all of these changes and relate them to your pregnancy, so check out this list to see all of the possibilities you may experience.