Teaching our children about the concepts of charity, empathy and giving back is more important now than ever.
Category: Big Kid
We know you probably hear this all the time, but don’t kids grow up so fast!? One minute you’re worrying that your baby will never sleep through the night and may very well go to school without being potty trained and the next minute, they’re all grown up (which brings it’s own set of challenges!). Don’t worry because here you’ll find parenting tips, through big kid articles, videos and activities on fostering positive friendships, healthy eating habits, language and developmental delays, protecting your children from predators, reinforcing learning at home and more!
What You Need to Know Before Going on Vacation with Another Family
Going on vacation with another family is a fun way for friends to create lifelong bonds between their children. But getting a group of little ones together comes with its share of stressors. We chatted with Michelle Felder, founder and CEO of Parenting Pathfinders, to get some advice for how to handle these types of group vacations.
5 Ways to Support Skill Development in Young Writers
It seems impossible that your once tiny, crawling, diaper-clad baby is now learning to write. But here we are! The best gift you can give your young writer is your support. Helping young writers develop their skills, and encouraging them to keep writing, is key. Out of all the milestones, learning to write is one […]
The Importance of Setting Boundaries for Kids
Setting boundaries for kids helps children flourish. Many parents know it’s important to set loving boundaries for kids yet find it challenging to establish boundaries and struggle to maintain them in the home. While setting boundaries is difficult, boundaries are necessary. In fact, boundaries are part of all aspects of life. This article explores the benefits of setting boundaries for kids and tips for success.
This Is Why Vitamin D Is Important for Kids
Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin needed by all babies and children. Vitamin D for kids is important, and they get vitamin D from sunlight and food. From April to the end of October, children who are outside playing for 15 to 30 minutes a day can absorb the daily recommended dose of vitamin […]
Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: An Aunt’s Family Role
In many families, aunts and uncles often play critical roles in the lives of their nieces and nephews and their offspring. Dr. Gramma Karen tapped into her own family to get an accounting of the important roles these two “Favorite Aunties” play.
How to Encourage Reading for Pleasure
Most children need to be taught to appreciate reading for pleasure. While some children enjoy reading as soon as they learn how, others are hesitant.
These Are the Best Kids Halloween Costumes on Instagram
Halloween may be the most fun holiday for kids. One of the best things about Halloween is the creativity exhibited in the costumes. Must give parents much credit for that! We’ve pulled together some of our favorite creative costume ideas from Instagram. Enjoy!! And be sure to ENTER your costumed kids in our sister’s site’s […]