Dear Dr. Gramma Karen, My husband and I are grandparents with grandchildren in college. Although they appear to be handling their experiences fine, we are becoming alarmed by the many articles in the media about the increase in anxiety, depression, and suicides among college students. One of our friends who has similar concerns about this […]
Category: Big Kid
We know you probably hear this all the time, but don’t kids grow up so fast!? One minute you’re worrying that your baby will never sleep through the night and may very well go to school without being potty trained and the next minute, they’re all grown up (which brings it’s own set of challenges!). Don’t worry because here you’ll find parenting tips, through big kid articles, videos and activities on fostering positive friendships, healthy eating habits, language and developmental delays, protecting your children from predators, reinforcing learning at home and more!
Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Interview with Ed Leuchs
Another awesome interview from Dr. Gramma Karen and her friend and colleague, Ed Leuchs. They touch on important topics such as voting and grandparents raising their grandchildren – a must read with some great information.
Food Allergies on the Rise: This Is How to Reduce the Risk
Food allergies are becoming more and more common nowadays. Here is how to tell if your kid is having some sort of reaction to something they ate.
What Is the Best Learning Environment for Your Child?
As the beginning of another school year is upon us, it is never too early to begin thinking about where your little one will be going to school. I recently went through this process when deciding what would be the best learning environment for my child. From my experience, early planning is important, especially for […]
Everything You Should Do to Prep Your Child for Daycare
Learn all about how to best prep your child(ren) for daycare!
A Comprehensive Guide to Special Instruction Early Intervention
One of the most important parts of a Special Instructors’ role is to collaborate with a child’s most important people: his parents and caregivers. As educators, the primary goal is to meet your individual child’s developmental needs. We want to help them develop age appropriate play skills and meet milestones.
Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Should Grandparents Share Their Views on Sex, Drugs, and Alcohol?
Our two grandchildren have just – gasp! – entered their teen years. We’re hoping you can give us advice on talking with them about peer pressure and issues involving sex, drugs, and alcohol. We are fortunate in that we are on the same page as their parents in these matters, but we also feel that as their grandparents we might have some different approaches and opportunities than what they have with their parents. And is it even our place to engage on these topics?
Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Grandparents Worry About Grandchildren’s Excessive Screen Time
Screens and technology are huge aspects of children’s lives nowadays – read up on this informative column from Dr. Gramma Karen about excessive screen time in grandchildren!