My husband and I will soon be first-time grandparents when our daughter delivers twins. We are over-the-moon happy, but we do have a major worry. Both our daughter and her husband are successful bankers and make a lot of money. They have a full-time staff of a driver, a housekeeper and they each have a […]
Category: Nanny
Welcome nannies and parents! The relationship between a caregiver and a child can be one of the most important relationships for a child and one that parents often have the most questions about. Here you’ll find articles, videos and events on how to find a nanny, fostering a positive relationship between caregivers and children, improving the communication between caregivers and parents (and vice versa!) and more!

How to Deal with a Picky Eater: Teleclass Re-cap
For those of you who missed this wonderful teleclass, generously sponsored by Mott’s and presented by food sociologist, Dr. Dina Rose, here is a link to the taped class on on dealing with a picky eater. During the teleclass, Dr. Rose talked a lot about the “Rotation Rule.” Here is blog posted originally on Dr. Rose’s site, […]

The Case Against Bleach
I’m not one to call out products usually but I am about to make an exception. Bleach, your days are numbered. Why so tough on bleach? I mean we’ve all been told how it is a must to keep our home germ free, right? Especially now with all of these nasty flus and viruses running […]

Eat Healthy, Feel Great
“Eat Healthy, Feel Great” by William and Martha Sears and Christie Watts Kelly (Preschool and up) is an excellent educational book to read during mealtime (or any time of day). It’s a valuable book to have in your library because it can be a great resource to refer back to when trying to teach your […]

Eco-Movies You Should Watch Now
It’s cold outside where I live and there’s not much motivating me to get out and do. So I’ve been indoors, keeping a lower profile all while reading and doing home improvement projects (so cliche, I know). One thing that has come across my radar lately are the release of several new eco-movies that I […]

Pregnant Women, Young Children & Radiation Dangers
I know some of you feel overwhelmed by the amount of dos and don’ts when it comes to protecting yourself from cancer-causing substances and environments. It seems that everywhere we turn, there is a warning of “Do this and you will be at a higher risk for cancer.” It all seems like so much. Most […]

Don’t Trash Batteries – It’s Against the Law!
So I’m off roaming around the interwebs and was checking in on my weekly One Small Act progress (you do know about One Small Act app, right*) and bumped into the top ten list of small actions people did last year to be more green in their daily lives. One of them was to recycle […]

Diary of a New Green Mom: Veritey Changed What’s Under My Sink
Back in August, I shared with you my thoughts on Toxic Baby, the awesomely frightening and ultimately empowering film by Penelope Jagessar Chaffer. It made me change the way I evaluate, buy, and use all the products in our household. One critical lesson from the film and the movement to clean up our chemical-infused environment […]