Kicking Endless Gadget Time with Fun Time
Milestones Continued: 12 months to 2 years of Age

Milestones Continued: 12 months to 2 years of Age

Motor Development Now that your child is one year old, you will start to see how much more she moves around! Babies become more aware of everything around them and also with themselves. They start walking, running, climbing up stairs, throwing, dancing and kicking. They will start doing coloring, puzzles, building towers and imitating all […]

When “Because I Said So!” Is Not Enough
When Toddlers Care What They Wear
Achieving a Sustainable Play Setting
What Should My Baby Be Doing? Part 2
Going Green 101 for Families: Teleclass Re-Cap

Going Green 101 for Families: Teleclass Re-Cap

There is a lot of talk lately about families “going green,” buying organic and living more eco-friendly lives. But what exactly does this mean and how can parents incorporate green living into their day-to-day routines? This week, Mommybites held a very timely and informative teleclass, generously sponsored by Weleda and presented by Green expert and […]

Why Your Three-Year-Old is Not a Jerk