Toys are something that every kid loves, and it always seems like they are asking for more. Certain toys can be expensive, especially if the toy involves technology, but cheap toys for kids aren’t a great investment. Here are five tips that you can use to save money the next time you go shopping for a toy.
Buy Quality Toys
Buying quality toys can sound expensive. Some of them may be expensive, but you cannot be focused on the initial price. Cheap toys for kids won’t last. Quality toys will be durable and last for a long time. This can save you money in the long run because you will not have to buy the same toy multiple times.
An example of this is a baseball/softball glove. If you spend the extra bit of money to get your kid a glove that will last numerous years, you will save money by not having to buy a new glove every year.
Buy Gently Used Toys
Buying gently used toys is a great way to save money on toys. The term “gently used” is another way of saying used. However, when something is labeled used it is expected to be beaten up and tattered.
Gently used toys still appear new and they are cheaper because of the prior use of the toy. It is important that you inspect the toy before buying it. This is because there may be wear and tear that is not mentioned and may lead to the toy having a short lifespan.
Buying gently used toys will also teach your kid how to properly take care of their toys. When they get gently used toys, it is important to stress to your child that they need to take extra good care of them. Taking poor care of an already used toy can lead to a short lifespan of the toy.
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Use Coupons/Gift Cards/Rebates
Coupons are a great way to get a couple of dollars off each toy you buy for your kid. You can go online and find coupons that you can print out, or you can apply coupon codes to the checkout process if you buy them online.
Gift cards are nice when they are gifted to you because it allows you to save money on the item that you are purchasing. Rebates are like discounts, but they are given in a different form. Whether it is through returns or store credit, a rebate can save you money on various items. Walmart, for example, often offers rebates on kids’ toys. You can search for rebates from Walmart and other stores to save some money the next time you go shopping.
Pay Attention to Sales and Promotions
Sales and promotions can be a great way to save money on your kid’s toys because of the discounts that are offered on them. Sales will often be announced on the company websites, as well as mass-marketed emails. Knowing about these sales will allow you to plan, and shop for a toy during these sales.
Promotions such as “Black Friday” and “Cyber Monday” are also great times to take advantage of discounts. These two promotions are known for providing large discounts on numerous different items to try and lessen the inventory.
Encourage Your Kids to Buy Their Toys
Having your kids buy their own toys may not be a popular move by parents, but it can save you money and teach your kids a valuable lesson. Making your kids save up to buy their toys will teach them the value of a dollar. They will realize how much work goes into saving up for something.
They will also be more likely to take better care of the toy. If your kid spends their own money on a toy, they will appreciate it more and will hopefully take better care of the toy.
All these tips are a great way to save money on kids’ toys. You may not be able to combine all of them for one specific toy but looking at your options can be a good way to know which option is best.
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Maggie Bloom graduated from Utah Valley University with a degree in communication and writing. In her spare time, she loves to dance, read, and bake. She also enjoys traveling and scouting out new brunch locations.
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