Parents are very fond of their children’s hair. Oftentimes, for little girls and their moms (even dads), fixing hair is a way to bond. Braids, ponytails, pigtails, and other fun hairstyles requiring colorful pins and ribbons never fail to amuse.
The hair is also among the first things that kids learn to manage by themselves. Once they learn how to take a bath, they also learn how to shampoo on their own. They also comb and try to style it on their own. There are little boys who apply their dad’s or big brother’s hair products, such as gel and wax, and experiment on their own. Many of us have really fun memories involving hair.
It is only fitting to include hair care when teaching health lessons to kids. Hair is important in the well-being of children. Effects of bad hair can worsen if they are not taken care of early on, so it is imperative that health tips for kids and parents should include taking care of the hair and the benefits that go along with it.
The following are some lessons you can teach your kids about hair:
Washing goes a long way
Kids are very anxious to be independent. They want to do things on their own. But, however excited your kids are, helping them keep their hair healthy is very important. Learning to shampoo one’s own hair is like mastering a new skill, and the sooner kids master how it is done, the better. But just like all skills, there is a process. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, it is important to wet the hair before applying shampoo to prevent breakage. Your kids might get excited about shampoo, so teach them that a quarter-size drop on their palm is enough.
Kids should also be taught how important the scalp is. When shampooing, remind them to wash and massage the scalp to prevent hair from being dull and coarse. And when rinsing, tell them to take their time and be patient. They have to rinse it very well until the hair is suds-free.
The right way to brush
Brushing the hair is a ritual. Dragging a comb through snarls and tangles can really ruin a good day. The AAD suggests that wrapping hair with a towel is important before combing and brushing. As a general rule, using a wide-tooth comb on damp hair is encouraged. Teach kids that yanking and pulling hair will cause damage. Tell them to untangle snarls at the bottom first before brushing from the top.
Brushing from the root to the tip helps distribute natural oils more evenly. It also helps to brush a small section at a time and not be in a hurry. You should also find out which type of comb or brush will work best with your child’s type of hair.
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Style with caution
It is normal for kids to want to try a hair dryer or curler once they see you use it, and parents might be very eager to capture that moment when their little girl is acting like a “lady.” But one important health tip for kids and parents is to patiently understand what this could cost the hair in the long run. Help kids develop good hair care habits by considering hairstyles that don’t require heat or other chemicals. Make braids and ponytails loose.
Hair loss affects kids, too
It is normal to lose 50 to 100 strands of hair everyday. Your child should not be scared if he sees his hair swirl down the drain since new hairs start forming in the same place as the old ones. It’s different with permanent hair loss, though. And yes, even kids can suffer hair loss. According to Kids Health organization, there are many reasons for hair loss in kids.
Kids who have a fungus called ringworm on their scalp will have an infection that causes hair to fall or break. Kids undergoing treatment or surgery may also suffer hair loss. The habit of pulling and twisting hair is hard for some kids to overcome and may require treatment.
Using harsh chemicals, too much heat or braids that are too tight can also contribute to hair loss in kids. It is important for parents to make sure that this doesn’t get out of hand, as it may affect your child’s well-being.
Protect against the sun
Kids love playing under the sun. Playing is an essential part of childhood and development so it should be encouraged. However, remember to be cautious. Among the things you can do to protect your children’s hair and scalp from the heat of the sun is to let them wear a hat. A hat is the easiest way to add protection for the scalp and keep delicate hair from drying. If it’s too windy, tie a scarf or bandana around their heads. It helps if these accessories come in their favorite colors, patterns or prints. Using an umbrella when walking around is also necessary. If your kid doesn’t have much hair yet, consider applying sunscreen.
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Reminders before swimming
If your child is taking a dip in the pool or the ocean, tell them to get their hair wet first. According to a post from Babble, the protective outer layer of the hair or cuticles “act like a sponge so if it is filled with clean water, chlorinated or salt water will not easily seep in.” Applying leave-in conditioner will also help lock the moisture in. It is also important to shampoo, clean the hair and scalp, and thoroughly rinse because pool and sea water can easily cause damage to hair. Make it a habit to remind them that while they may be excited about swimming, there are hair routines that they need to do before and after.
Crown of confidence
Every parent wants their child to be confident and positive, and one way to ensure that they stay that way is to keep their hair healthy. Never underestimate the power of the hair. It can do wonders to your child’s health, grooming, and overall well-being. When it comes to taking care of themselves, it is best to start the habit while they are young.
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Jeanette Anzon is a graduate of Architecture. She enjoys photography, sketching, arts, film, writing and continuous education. To get to know her more, you can follow @jeanetteanzon
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