Hi, parents! We know that having kids can be the toughest and funniest job in the world. Your little ones and your significant others say and do the most entertaining (and occasionally infuriating!) things. Here are 13 memes that all parents can relate to!
1. The Independent Toddler
Credit: @stay.at.homies
2. How Does Such a Small Human Take Up All This Space?!
Credit: @stay.at.homies
3. My Kid Manages to Get Into EVERYTHING While I’m Not Looking!
Credit: @stay.at.homies and @TheNYAMProject
4. Our Fridge Has Become The MOMA
Credit: @alyceoneword
5. Does ANYONE Listen to What I Say?
Credit: @LurkAtHomeMom
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6. Our Kid Won’t Eat Food But He’ll Put Everything In His Mouth
Credit: @dont_touch_the_thermostat
7. Will I Ever Get Some Sleep?
Credit: @dont_touch_the_thermostat
8. Where Did THAT Question Come From?
Credit: @sparklesandskidmarks
9. Uhh…Thanks For Your “Help” Honey
Credit: @dont_touch_the_thermostat
10. “I’ve Got It Mom, I’ve Got It”!
Credit: @sparklesandskidmarks
11. Ahh, Alone Time – WAIT
Credit: @momthesedays and @McMomica
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12. *Sigh*
Credit: @momthesedays
13. “No Mom, I Promise I’ll Ride It The Whole Way!”
In short, being a parent is amusing and we all find laughs throughout the stress and pain!
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Meghan Kelly is a senior at Fordham University studying English and Spanish. She is originally from Massachusetts and loves to read, write, and explore New York City.
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