Since 2006, the Mommybites’ mom-generated Nanny Boards have supported families in finding and relocating their beloved nannies. The “Nanny Knows” series provides families with insider tips from experienced nannies on how to set up a nanny for success, exploring topics such as giving your nanny a credit card, and many more. When the parent-nanny partnership functions well all benefit, especially the children involved.
Reimbursing Expenses Can Be Time Consuming for All
I know of a nanny who spent $20 to $50 a week from her own money on the family she was working for. She never spoke up about it and the parents got kind of used to that and comfortable with it. The nanny assumed naively that the parents would realize and start leaving her money, but she was only reimbursed for expenses if she left a receipt. And that can be time consuming and when rushing around, might not be top of mind. The nanny also went as far as buying dinner for the whole family and the parents never reimbursed her.
Why It’s Helpful to Give Your Nanny a Credit Card
Money is always a big issue. One thing that can make it less of one is for parents to give their nanny a credit card to use for all child- and home-related expenses. Nannies can use the credit card for anything pertaining to the child, or maybe food shopping, or to pick up a few things for the house. Families might also be ok if now and then the nanny could use the card to treat herself to a cup of coffee or maybe lunch, but the parameters should be clear and discussed.
When I was given a credit card at the beginning of a placement, it made me feel good because I didn’t have to put out my own money or have to be reimbursed. I was thankful to receive a credit card from a family who just gave it to me without my having to suggest it. They felt I was trustworthy from the beginning and I was aware, and very grateful for that.
Have questions or comments about giving your nanny a credit card? Send them to us at liz@mommybites.com.
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Michelle Brown has been in the NYC childcare industry for almost 15 years. Mrs. Brown holds a bachelor’s degree in early childhood education and is licensed by the NYC Board of Education. Mrs. Brown currently heads up one of the largest groups on Facebook, the Nannies of New York City. Mrs. Brown started the group several years ago as a networking and education resource for childcare professionals. Caring for children and aiding her fellow nannies and teachers is Michelle’s passion, and it gives her much joy and fulfillment in her personal life and career.
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