Welcome to our Meet the Experts blog! We have found that we have been lucky enough to really get to know all the wonderful and talented speakers, writers and experts that are part of Mommybites. In addition to speaking and writing about their areas of expertise, they also have incredible journeys, life advice, and stories […]
Parenting Tips

Father’s Day
As a mom, I often have the overwhelming feeling of my heart breaking – not as a result of sadness, but the intensity of sheer joy that permeates every fiber of my being. These moments hit us all at the oddest times, don’t they? While cleaning our homes or driving to the market, sometimes early […]

Teach Me the Words
Today was my youngest daughter’s last day of pre-school. She embarked on her educational journey at the age of three and has spent two years at a wonderful school. She is proud of being a pre-school graduate and is very excited for summer vacation before starting Kindergarten in the Fall at her big sister’s school. […]

NYC: Best and Worst with Baby
As amazing as New York City is, and as lucky as I feel to live here, there’s no question that this city can feel daunting at times. If you’re like me, you’ll think to yourself “I love it here” or “Ugh. I hate it here” on an almost daily basis. Throw in a baby and […]

Keeping it Simple at the MET
As a NYC parent, it can be overwhelming at times to choose from what feels like a limitless number of events for your kids. We all want to take full advantage of exposing our children to as much as possible, while doing our best to keep it fun and interesting for them. With all the […]

Tips for Making Reading Fun
Tips for making the reading process easy and enjoyable! Read aloud! Hearing sounds are important, especially for infants and young children. Reading aloud gives life to the story and the characters and makes it fun! As your children listen and see what you’re reading, they are in fact, in the early stages of learning to […]

Strolling Down Memory Lane
A few days ago I dropped off our stroller off at Goodwill. After six and half years and two kids, we are officially, a stroller free household. Like most, we started with the Graco Infant Carrier, moved on to several Maclaren models, including a double stroller. In the midst, the Sit’ n Stroll was our […]

Love Letter to the Second Trimester
Here’s a not-so-secret fact about me: I loved being pregnant. Well, let me clarify. I loved 2nd trimester pregnancy. Would you agree? After three months along, I no longer looked like I’d been making daily trips to Dunkin Donuts. I had officially “popped” therefore making it all official. No more sidelong glances and “is she […]

NY Transit Museum
Our family’s favorite mode of transportation, hands down, is the subway. Our daughters love the turnstiles, they know they have to always ‘watch the gap’ and enjoy counting the stops that take us to our different destinations. They’re also fascinated by the fact that we happen to live in (sometimes deafening) earshot of the 2nd […]

Baby Carriers
Hi again Mommybites world! As I mentioned in my first post for this fabulous community, I love baby carriers. Here is a little dip into the world of carriers and hopefully it well help you choose a carrier, or decide to get one, or let you know that you are spot on with the carrier […]