My kid is potty trained but now just pees on herself because she just doesn’t wanna stop playing. Now what? Ahhhh, kids are funny. You would think that they would care about being wet, and some do BUT there are some that couldn’t care less. They’re busy, they’re painting, they’re working through a power play thing with you. There are many reasons why kids do this, but that’s not what ya came for. You came for a solution.
Tag: Development
From the time you’re expecting, all the way through toddlerhood, and on to kindergarten and beyond, our rich, educational articles, expertly researched and written by experts in their fields, touch upon all stages of your child’s development. No matter what the child development topic you need some advice on, Mommybites has what you’re looking for – from breastfeeding to sleep, from developmental milestones to car seat safety, from picky eaters to special needs and more!

4 Ways Playing a Musical Instrument Makes Your Child Smarter
We all want our children to do well and to be as smart and as successful as they can be. There are always new methods being discovered that reveal how parents can encourage mental growth in their children. Teaching children a musical instrument is one of the most fascinating ways we can help our children develop.

How You Are Doing It RIGHT
I often write about ways to improve on your parenting or new strategies or changes to make, but this time I am shaking it up. In honor of Mother’s Day month, I want to let you know why you are doing a great job. How do I know? You will see… You Woke Up And […]

This Is How to Reverse Picky Eating Habits
Nobody plans to have a picky eater, but when it happens you can undo your children’s picky eating habits in 5 simple steps.

Outdoor Play and Your Child’s Development
While some of us focus on the political state of our country, I am focused on the politics of the playground – specifically, recess. Truly not just recess, but all unstructured outdoor playtime set aside for young children. As parents today struggle with carefully planning their children’s schedules, it’s important that they define the line across which their children go from being enriched, to being overscheduled. In schools, the quest for higher standardized test scores has recess being cut out and extra class-time added in.

How to Get Your Kids Unplugged and Outdoors
Now that Spring has arrived, does this sound familiar: You walk into the living room or den on a bright, sunny day only to find several heads bent down and staring into a little glowing screen? If you think about how much time your kids are spending with their tech, instead of outside getting fresh air and vitamin D from the sunshine, you might be worried. And you would have good reason to be.

3 Essential Things To Know About Your 2 Year Old’s Sleep
When your little one reaches the age of 2 years, they start to explore the world more actively, so their regular day is full of discoveries and miracles. And all these things can affect their sleep quality.

Feeding your Baby: All about Baby Led Weaning
This is a dilemma many parents are facing today. Before I continue any further, please know that there is no RIGHT or WRONG way!