Why Play is So Important
Raising Inclusive Kids
How I Got My Children to Brush Their Teeth
Taming Out-of-Line Behavior
Toddler Sleep Solutions: Teleclass Re-cap

Toddler Sleep Solutions: Teleclass Re-cap

For those parents interested in learning more about toddler sleep, we held a highly informative, helpful teleclass last week on toddler sleep solutions. Expertly presented by Janeen Hayward, child development expert, and generously sponsored by Happy Family and BuyBuy Baby, the class covered it all – from eliminating night wakings to consolidating naps. In case you missed it, you’ll find a […]

Airborne Dangers: How Air Quality Impacts Your Child’s Health

Airborne Dangers: How Air Quality Impacts Your Child’s Health

Poor air quality can have profound health effects, especially when children are involved. These conditions can range from conditions like asthma to developmental conditions such as a heightened risk for autism. By understanding the risks associated with poor air quality, you can understand just how important it is to control your air pollution while providing […]

Reading to Babies: Building Better Brains
Five Ways to Help Your Kids Eat More Vegetables

Five Ways to Help Your Kids Eat More Vegetables

Whether your child is a picky eater or champion plate-licker, every parent struggles to include more vegetables into little diets. Nine out of ten children do not consume enough vegetables, and few get their recommended five to seven servings of fruits and vegetables per day. While broccoli may never truly compete with brownies in your […]