How Did That Get In My Lunchbox? (4 years and older) by Chris Butterworth is a colorful, educational and engaging book that is ideal for reading during mealtime. This book begins with children opening up their lunchboxes filled with all different foods. The second page reads “Just how DID all of this food get in […]
Tag: Development
From the time you’re expecting, all the way through toddlerhood, and on to kindergarten and beyond, our rich, educational articles, expertly researched and written by experts in their fields, touch upon all stages of your child’s development. No matter what the child development topic you need some advice on, Mommybites has what you’re looking for – from breastfeeding to sleep, from developmental milestones to car seat safety, from picky eaters to special needs and more!
Guidelines for Giving and Receiving Gifts
Dear Readers: During the busy holiday season and throughout the year, I hope you find my six guidelines for giving and receiving gifts make giving and getting gifts more fun and enjoyable for your child, as well as for your child’s gift givers. 1. Help your child create a “gift wish list.” At a very […]
Mom Moments Frozen in Time
One of my favorite pictures of my son and me was taken right after his nap, with him snuggling on my lap. Neither of us knew that the picture was being taken, but every time I look at that photo I think of how peaceful and content we both look. I literally want to drink […]
Helping Parents Raise Good People
Thanks to my daughter’s occasional – OK, almost daily – 30 minute DVD or TV breaks, she knew her ABCs and 123s in English, Spanish and Sign Language by the time she was three. She learned why bananas turned brown (from Sid the Science Kid) and the sequence of how to get to the golden […]
Rain in Our Children’s Lives
One of the hardest parts about being a parent is seeing your children in pain. Not just physical pain, but emotional pain. Seeing the hurt expressions on their little faces if they have been teased or excluded. Wanting them to go through life and only be happy, but knowing this is impossible. That is why […]
Grandparents Grapple With Question: Is Santa Claus Real?
We have two grandchildren, five-year-old Danny, and three-year-old Jessie. We live near them and spend a lot of time with them. As we head into the holidays, here’s our problem. Our daughter-in-law Bethany “does Santa” in a big way, e.g., leaving cookies and milk out for him, planting reindeer hooves marks in the yard, having […]
Does My Child Need a Tutor?
You asked and you shall now receive. It’s only fair for us to share all of this stored up knowledge about big kids and their physical, social and emotional development as they grow. We now will answer, in a very public forum, all of those burning questions about big kids – children five and up. […]
Apples for Everyone
Apples for Everyone by Jill Esbaum (ages 4 and up) is a wonderful, educational book to include in your home library. I was immediately attracted to this particular book because of the photographs (it’s made by National Geographic Kids so I wouldn’t expect anything less than fantastic) and its accurate descriptions of how apples grow […]