I am away this summer visiting my family in the Deep South. I have found myself in a situation where it is next to impossible to find organic foods or farmer’s markets, there is NO recycling and I’m hard pressed to find a like-minded family member who understands my sustainable/green lifestyle choices.
Tag: Green Parenting
Green Parenting: Sustainable Living
In one of the most encouraging statistics I’ve heard in a long time, humans only inhabit around 3% of the Earth’s land. That means there is another 26% of the land left uninhabited!
Green Parenting: How Parents Can Protect Kids From Everyday Pesticides
Pesticides are substances or mixture of substances intended for preventing, destroying, repelling or treating any pest. Pesticides are used to control things that are considered to be harmful (think ants, wasps, bees, weeds, mosquitoes, fleas, worms and rodents). Some common pesticides are crop sprays farmers use, ant/wasp/bee/weed/mouse killer sprays or powders, fumigation for fleas and […]
Green Parenting: Our Children’s Sleepwear
Children’s clothing catching fire has to be one of the most awful thoughts a parent can have. Keeping these fears in the forefront of their minds, in 1971 the Department of Commerce asked clothing manufacturers of children’s sleepwear to created flame resistant sleepwear.
Green Parenting: The Cost of Green Living
One of the most common misconceptions about green living is that it is costly. Many people find the barrier to living a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle takes much more time and money than they currently use living a non-eco-friendly lifestyle. I’m here to say, that is simply not true.
Green Parenting: Doing One Small Act
One of my favorite green websites is Practically Green because they dispense no-nonsense actions and advice to make living a sustainable and greener life that much easier. Now they have continued to provide their advice in a mobile app called One Small Act
Welcome to Healthy Living!
Healthy Living is a place on our website where you can find more about how to live a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. There are so many factors in our daily lives that all contribute to our overall health – nutrition, environment, products – it is important for us to take a holistic look at how we can better our health in all we do.
New on Mommybites: Healthy Living!
You know those families when you were growing up whose parents served “healthy variations” of traditional things. That was me. We had kidney bean pizza, salmon loaf instead of meat loaf, tofu dogs – the works. So of course I did the totally predictable teenage thing and rebelled against this lifestyle when I had the […]