Water is a universal symbol of birth, purity, and fertility; it is square one for life on this planet. From the oceans to our bodies, water is essential to our existence and survival. Our bodies are 60 percent water – making it essential to our health and vitality. It is the most necessary component for […]
Tag: Healthy Living

Make These 7 Nutrition Swaps to End the Year Healthy
Thinking of making a change to your diet for this year’s resolution? Try these easy nutrition swaps now to eat well and still get the best tastes.

Imagine That: Fostering Creativity in Children
We all know our children are creative, so it’s important to promote that creativity! Check out some ways to creativity alive!

How to Safely Introduce Your Newborn to Visitors during the Coronavirus Pandemic
These times are so unpredictable, and having a new baby during it all can be daunting. Here are some safety tips for bringing home your new little one during the pandemic.

Stocking up on Healthy Toddler Foods at Home
During this challenging time, it is important to provide your little one with nutritious meals and snacks. Learn more on stocking up for your toddler here.

Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Grandparents, Is It Time to Recalculate?
During this turbulent and unpredictable time, Dr. Gramma Karen has some great tips and information for grandparents and their relationships with grandkids.

5 Life-Changing Nutrition Tips for New Moms
Being a mom is the busiest job in the world – and being healthy is important for you and your little one! Here are some great nutritional tips for young moms.

Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: A New Year, And I Hereby Resolve …
It’s almost that time of year – New Years Resolutions! Read up on Dr. Gramma Karen’s resolutions and her experiences keeping herself healthy this year.