This Is What You Need to Know about Mindful Parenting
National Baby Safety Month Tips
Interview with Laurie Berkner, Children’s Music Superstar
Back-to-School Lunch Ideas: How to Pack Lunches Like a Pro

Back-to-School Lunch Ideas: How to Pack Lunches Like a Pro

Packing lunches and snacks can often go last on the list of back-to-school preparation, but they are vital to helping kids thrive at school. Including your kids in back-to-school preparations as much as possible will help them, and you, mentally prepare. One way to do that is to brainstorm school lunch ideas with your kids, and have kids help grocery shop for ingredients. These tips will help you get ready for school by learning to pack lunches like a pro.

How to Pack a Healthy Lunch that Your Picky Preschooler Will Eat
Parents: Speak Less, Listen More

Parents: Speak Less, Listen More

When it comes to parenting, we may think that “more is more,” but what I’m finding is that when we are verbose in our directions and daily expressions, we may actually be overwhelming our children. Sounds crazy, right? How could words, which are invisible, be overwhelming? I think it’s time to go back to the basics of “less is more” and use our own behaviors and non-verbal gestures to communicate with our children on a more genuine and simple level.

4 Tips for Teaching Children How to Budget
Interview with Deborah Bradley-Kramer, Head of School at MUSE Academy