Toddler Sleep Solutions: Teleclass Re-cap

Toddler Sleep Solutions: Teleclass Re-cap

For those parents interested in learning more about toddler sleep, we held a highly informative, helpful teleclass last week on toddler sleep solutions. Expertly presented by Janeen Hayward, child development expert, and generously sponsored by Happy Family and BuyBuy Baby, the class covered it all – from eliminating night wakings to consolidating naps. In case you missed it, you’ll find a […]

Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Granddaughter Resists Skyping with Grandmother
The Makings of a Mompreneur

The Makings of a Mompreneur

Did you know that today is International Women’s Day? What better day to celebrate the mompreneurs among us! If you’re like me, you spend your weeks toggling between developing client proposals, class mom responsibilities and scheduling play dates in-between conference calls. You spend time on the playground responding to work emails and brainstorming business ideas […]

Talking to Your Kids About the Tough Stuff in Your Past
Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Readers’ Comments: “The Gift of a Gap Year”

Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Readers’ Comments: “The Gift of a Gap Year”

Many readers responded to my column, “The Gift of a Gap Year”. For example, an Ivy League college administrator writes: “It’s time for the 40- and 50-year-olds (and grandparents) who have grown up with the old paradigms to look at better ways to make sure their child is prepared for college. We really do need […]

How Can I Make My Toddler Sleep?
Caring for a Sick Baby
Enhancing Couples’ Post-Baby Marriages/Relationships: Teleclass Re-cap

Enhancing Couples’ Post-Baby Marriages/Relationships: Teleclass Re-cap

Post-baby relationships can go through rough terrain as stress increases, alignments shift and expectations change. These transitions are natural and normal, but will need careful attention. They will require each person to grow oneself up in order to successfully navigate through the rocky roads of post-baby relationships. Last week, we held an important and enlightening […]