My kid is in ballet, but wants to quit. She went to 4 classes and is over it. Is it OK for kids to quit?
Let’s start here: If you try an art class and really don’t like it, what would you do? Go each week to have a miserable time? NO WAY.
On the other hand, we can’t let kids think that a commitment is something to be taken lightly. Ask WHY they want to quit. Do they not like the coach? Are they being harassed or teased? Is it not what they thought it would be?
If it seems to be more of a whim, have them try it three times (as you have done). Then, if they REALLY hate it, they can quit OR you can have them finish the season/session, and then just don’t sign them up again.
I get wanting to see it through if it has been paid for. Also ask yourself if THEY wanted to do the activity, or did YOU want them to do it? If you loved ballet as a kid and you signed your child up for it only to learn that dancing is not their thing, but soccer is, then it might be time to look into ending the dance.They didn’t ask for it in the first place.
If it is a team sport and they are needed, have them ride out the season and then, as mentioned before, end it there. It’s important for kids to try things and be able to change their minds. To see all that life has to offer without fear of having to be locked in for life.
It CAN be expensive though. See if you can have your child try out a class for free or half price first to see if they will like it. Try a one-off class before signing up for a whole season/session.
Teaching kids about commitment is important, but also respecting their thoughts, feelings and interests is important as well.
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Brandi Davis, ACC, is a professional Parenting Coach, Parent Educator, and Author of O.K. I’m A Parent Now What? She can also be found on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and be sure to catch her parenting podcasts on iTunes. The goal of Brandi’s practice is to bring respect, calm communication, teamwork, and FUN into the home or classroom. To discover all that Child and Family Coaching can bring to your family stop by
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