Why I’m Waiting Until 8th Grade to Give My Kids Smartphones
Meaningful Teacher Gifts

Meaningful Teacher Gifts

Teachers deserve to know their dedication is appreciated. Gifts don’t need to be expensive to express your gratitude. The most prized are gifts given from the heart. While many family budgets are tight and time is limited, try to acknowledge the teachers in your child’s life with an unexpected treat. You might be surprised how even the simplest gifts can really rejuvenate a teacher’s enthusiasm, and how involving your child in the gift process can teach important lessons about giving back. 

Netflix Redesigns Kids’ Profiles to Be More Kid-Friendly

Netflix Redesigns Kids’ Profiles to Be More Kid-Friendly

Streaming services are a massive source of modern entertainment. They’re available on the go or at home, which makes them an excellent resource for kids. Little ones can watch their favorite shows whenever they need a distraction or something to pass the time, but are those platforms easy for them to use? Netflix redesigned kids’ profiles to be more kid-friendly just for that purpose. This article describes how the latest update makes it easier for children to navigate the website.

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How to Throw an Amazing Netflix Watch Party for Kids

How to Throw an Amazing Netflix Watch Party for Kids

Are your kids missing out on spending time with their friends? Fortunately, technology has made it possible for virtual interactions. 
Netflix and other streaming services have made it possible to stream a show or movie across multiple screens all at once. Even though your children may not be able to watch a movie with a friend in person, they can view the same film simultaneously from the comfort of their home.