Let’s face it, it’s not easy being a toddler. After all, they are busy acquiring language; they run, jump, and bounce boundlessly; and they make demands… lots of them! Not surprisingly, their batteries need recharging both day and night. Through age five, most toddlers require 12-14 hours of sleep daily and usually nap until they […]
Category: Nanny
Welcome nannies and parents! The relationship between a caregiver and a child can be one of the most important relationships for a child and one that parents often have the most questions about. Here you’ll find articles, videos and events on how to find a nanny, fostering a positive relationship between caregivers and children, improving the communication between caregivers and parents (and vice versa!) and more!

Tips for Helping your Nanny be the Best for Your Family: Teleclass Recap
In case you missed this highly informative teleclass, presented by Tammy Gold, here is a link to the recorded class. If you have any questions, please free free to contact our expert, Tammy Gold, via her Facebook page and visit her web site. Here are some tips on forging a positive relationship with your Caregiver […]

Helping Kids Understand Change and Transition
It’s amazing that we are already back to school! Summer really comes and goes so quickly. As a clinical psychologist and expert in anxiety disorders, I’m well versed in some of the concerns that arise as kids transition back to school, face new social situations, and confront some new (and maybe not so new) fears. […]

Top 10 Tips for Enhancing Language Development for Caregivers or Nannies
1. Follow the child’s lead. Youngsters beginning to speak (around 12 months of age) tend to speak about what interests them, therefore, a key strategy that should guide caregiver language is to follow the child’s lead. In doing so, we are more likely to obtain a spontaneous imitation or utterance expansion from the child if […]

WIN A 30-Day Supply of Honest Kids Juice Pouches
You must be signed up for our newsletter to be eligible to win Win a 30-day supply of Honest Kids Juice Pouches from Honest Tea – with Mommybites Raffles! Honest Kids juice pouches from Honest Tea contain organic juice drink, sweetened only with fruit juice. All you need to do to enter is CLICK HERE A […]

Ready, Set, Potty Train!
When providing speech therapy for our tiny tykes the families often ask us for advice on potty training. As speech therapists we see potty training not just as a daily life skill, but as an opportunity to encourage lots of language building! Although it can be a stressful time for families, it’s amazing to see […]

Keeping Summer Safe for Your Children
As a mom, I love summer. It is such a great time to enjoy the outdoors – beaches, parks, swimming and more. And as a mom and a pediatrician, I also know that applying sunblock to your little one (except babies younger than 6 months) is easier said than done and one battle worth fighting […]

Let’s Get Cookin’
I hoard recipes. My box is full of cards from my bridal shower, papers scribbled with my mom’s directions for her famous brisket and stuffed cabbage and tear outs from magazines with the most delicious looking recipes imaginable. When I am brave enough to attempt a dish, I feverishly try to read the directions, measure […]