So first it was juice and now it’s rice. Arsenic has been found in very high levels in all types of organic and non-organic rice products that we eat and feed our children every day and it’s a very troubling finding. As a follow up to its juice research, Consumer Reports has found that arsenic […]
Category: Nanny
Welcome nannies and parents! The relationship between a caregiver and a child can be one of the most important relationships for a child and one that parents often have the most questions about. Here you’ll find articles, videos and events on how to find a nanny, fostering a positive relationship between caregivers and children, improving the communication between caregivers and parents (and vice versa!) and more!

My Toddler Argues with Other Toddlers
You asked and now you shall receive. It’s only fair for us to share all of this stored up knowledge about toddlers and what happens when they start toddling (and talking)! We will now answer, in a very public forum, all of those burning questions about children in their second year. Each month, we will […]

Getting Your Toddler to Eat (Healthy!)
How your kids are eating (or not eating) can be a huge cause of stress for parents, especially during the toddler years. Thrown food, dumped plates and the old “gag n’ puke” from an unfamiliar vegetable are not uncommon occurrences during most meals. Though it can bring a lot of added anxiety to the dinner […]

Outdoor Play and Your Child’s Development
As most of the country turns its proverbial eye to the political state of our country, I am focused on the politics of the playground – specifically, recess. Truly not just recess, but all unstructured outdoor playtime set aside for young children. As parents today struggle with carefully planning their children’s schedules, it’s important that they define the […]

Biodiversity: What it is and Why it Matters!
Biodiversity is the variety of life: all the plants, animals and organisms and the ecosystems of which they are a part. A big definition, but it’s a big concept that is quite important to everyone that lives on the planet Earth. We all want our children to grow up and see all creatures great and […]

Diary of a New Green Mom: Progress, Not Perfection
When we last left New Green Mom, she was terrorizing her cleaning woman with non-toxic scrubbers and natural sponge-y cleaning products and lamenting her use and overuse of traditional, chemical-laden makeup and bath products. So did the cleaning lady ever abandon her trusted bleach in favor of the citrus-oil based bathroom cleaners? Will New Green […]

3 Steps to Store Clothing for Future Kids
Following these three steps will help save time and money on your next child’s clothes by keeping the best and storing everything effectively.

My Child Is So Different From Me… How Can I Relate?
On a recent walk with a few of my girlfriends, we were talking about how our children in some ways remind us so much of ourselves, but in other ways are so very different.