I once did an interview with a mother of twins, who baffled me. She had given birth to twins naturally, without pain relief, and was hesitant about using the term “painful” when talking about the process. She was in labor for less than three hours, and she walked out of the delivery room with her babies.
Category: Healthy Living
Healthy Living is where you can find more about how to live a healthy and sustainable lifestyle as well as how to better your emotional health. There are so many factors in our daily lives that all contribute to our overall health – nutrition, environment, products, stress, relationships, etc. – it is important for us to take a holistic look at how we can better our health in all we do.
Each week we will invite healthy living pros to come share tips and tricks we can all use to create a better environment for ourselves, our families and largely our world. Moms move the world: let’s make it a healthier one!
The Mommybites’ Healthy Living section is co-hosted by Mott’s and Mommybites. This partnership does not influence the content, topics or posts made on this blog. We always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on all topics, products, and services.

The Importance of Good Posture for Kids and How to Correct It
While children are in school from home, their poor posture may be more evident than ever. Check out our tips to develop good posture in your littles and avoid any long-term physical damage.

These Are the Common Causes of Headaches in Children
When your child is crying over a headache, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and frightened. Many parents instantly start thinking something is seriously wrong when their child is holding his or her head and crying, but the good news for worried parents is that most childhood headaches have fairly straightforward causes. While you seek relief […]

Taking Care of Newborns during Cold, Flu and COVID-19 Season
Having a newborn during a pandemic is stressful, and any chance of being sick can be unnerving. Check out the answers to all COVID and newborn-related questions here!

My Toddler is Masturbating: What Should I Do?
A Mommybites reader and concerned parent asks: My child has, umm, found herself. My mom says that I must make her stop and put her in time out. My friend says let her be. What do I do? Ahh, yes. We think we have time before we have to talk to our kids about masturbation. […]

How to Make New Mom Friends: Strategies to Find Your Tribe
Being socially distant doesn’t have to mean being isolated. This is how you can make mom friends during the pandemic!

7 Secrets To Start Your New Year Off Right
“New year, new me” may sound good in theory, but so many resolutions for the new year end in failure! Check out some ways you can be successful and realistic in your goals to make 2021 your best year ever!

Make These 7 Nutrition Swaps to End the Year Healthy
Thinking of making a change to your diet for this year’s resolution? Try these easy nutrition swaps now to eat well and still get the best tastes.