Cook Unity – Real People, Real Food: S.O.S. Product Review


*This is sponsored product review

Review by Kate Hrobsky

As a busy mom, it’s difficult to juggle – everything is a priority. On top of work and household demands, I want to spend as much time as possible with my kids AND I want to make sure they’re eating healthy, nutritious meals. Cook Unity is an amazing discovery that may just help us moms “have it all!”

Not only do they use fresh ingredients (“Whenever possible, we use organic, local, farm-fresh produce, and all our proteins are hormone-free and come from farms our suppliers visit regularly and that we have researched thoroughly”), but the dishes they make are also seasonal – so the specialties change all the time and there is a wide variety of scrumptious food to choose from on an ongoing basis.

Cook Unity is not your typical meal delivery service. Sure, it’s nice to have a meal delivered to your door and not have to worry about the cooking and clean-up, but how often do you actually know who is cooking your meal? Cook Unity actually has their chefs’ bios on their web site! Every meal has a story that’s meaningful to the chef who cooked it – for instance, maybe it was a childhood favorite.

The process of ordering was simple, and they have a great FAQs section on their site that explains how it all works.

The day we tried our Cook Unity meal, it was so nice to be able to stay at the park for an extra hour with my daughter (instead of cooking). And when we got home, the food was being delivered. 15 minutes later, we were eating a healthy home cooked dinner. And the best part was that there were no pots and pans to wash afterwards.

The food was so delicious! Here’s a direct quote from my 5-year-old daughter:

“You have got to be kidding me, this is so good! The back of the salmon tastes like candy!”

Thanks for super convenient, healthy and amazing meal.

For now, Cook Unity only delivers in Manhattan. But the good news is that their delivery area covers most of Manhattan.

Enjoy your spare time with your kids and let Cook Unity do the homemade cooking for you!

A special offer from Cook Unity: Go to their site and use promo code Mommybites for your first order, and you will receive a free meal!

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*What exactly does a sponsored product review mean? Well, it goes a little something like this: unlike all of our educational content blogs where we receive NO compensation, for our S.O.S reviews Mommybites has been compensated by companies to review and discuss their product. This helps us pay outside bloggers (ones not affiliated with Mommybites, nor the companies themselves) to try out and review the products. This insures that all the reviewers writing these reviews are not influenced in any way. As usual, the writers will always give their honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on all topics, products, and services.

The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the blog contributor’s. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider. Writers may have conflicts of interest, and their opinions are their own.
