Back to the Movies!

I love going to the movies. Before I had kids, I’d to go to the movies a lot (even by myself sometimes). But after having kids,I started going less and less. The movies started late, so I chose sleep over going. Not to mention, my husband and I have very different tastes: he likes romantic comedies and I like action. His favorite movie scene ever is when Lloyd Dobler holds the “boom box” over his head in Say Anything. My favorite scenes are the first five minutes of just about any James Bond, Mission Impossible or Bourne Identity movies. You can imagine that it’s challenging to find movies we both love.

Over the past few years, we tried picking up our movie watching habit again, but quite frankly (and I’m no movie critic), most of the movies just weren’t that good. But all of that recently changed! The last three movies we saw were Argo, Flight and most recently, Silver Lining Playbook.

All of a sudden, we loved going to the movies again. Maybe it’s just because our kids are older, maybe the movies really are better lately or maybe it’s a little bit of both. Whatever the reason, I’ll take it.

Here’s to all of you movie, popcorn and Junior Mint lovers out there. We’re back!

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