
4 Things You Can Do This Summer to Help Your Child Succeed at School Next Year

4 Things You Can Do This Summer to Help Your Child Succeed at School Next Year

Whether your child will be starting preschool this fall, gearing up for middle school, or deciding where to send their college applications, you have an invaluable role to play in setting them up for success next school year.Here are some practical things you can do this summer to help your child achieve their potential at school next year. 

5 Important Questions to Ask a Potential Newborn Nanny
Protecting Your Kids From Involuntary Teeth Grinding
Food Allergy Awareness: How to Introduce Cow’s Milk to Baby

Food Allergy Awareness: How to Introduce Cow’s Milk to Baby

As a pediatrician, I have ALWAYS gotten a lot of questions about (cow’s) milk. What age to start? What kind is best? What if it upsets my baby’s stomach? What if they are allergic? Should I offer it in a bottle or cup? I’ll review my recommendations and how I typically counsel families below. First and foremost: you don’t need a cow to raise a child so if you opt out of cow’s milk, that’s okay, too! However some introduction and feeding of cow’s milk in early life will allow your child a greater chance to tolerate it throughout their life. 

Top Tips on Potty Training Twins
Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Parents Feel Rejected by Son Who Was Close To Them

Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Parents Feel Rejected by Son Who Was Close To Them

My husband and I have five kids, who mean the world to us. They have always enjoyed each other’s company and have been close. Recently, my 23-year-old son Michael, married Anna, who is 20. Since high school he has lived away, attending college in another state, and then living in Europe. We have always been close; when he was away, he used to call me several times a week.

Food Allergy Awareness: Let Babies Eat Allergens Early & Often
Why I’m Waiting Until 8th Grade to Give My Kids Smartphones