A backyard is one of the best places for a kid to play. They have the freedom to play how they like while still being within the confines of your private property. Although being in a yard keeps them safe from the outside world, there are dangers within your yard that can harm children when left unchecked. Your child should feel safe no matter if they are playing inside or outside.
Here are some maintenance tips that will help you make your yard a safe place to play.
Keep Your Lawn Clean for Your Kids
When you have a lawn that grows out of control, it’s not just an aesthetic problem. Taller, unmaintained grass can hide hazardous items like broken tiles, sharp sticks, and rocks, and even hard toys that can cut and puncture your child’s skin.
Make sure you cut your grass on a consistent basis and maintain any shrubbery that can hurt your children. Everything on the ground should be visible so they can avoid any potentially hazardous items they’re playing near.
Keeping garbage out of your lawn can also keep kids safe from major springtime pests.
Lookout for Ticks
If your backyard has particularly tall grass, you need to be wary of the insects that could pose a threat. Ticks are known to live in tall grass and attach themselves to people and animals that pass by and carry a variety of diseases such as Lyme disease. Whenever your children are playing near tall grass, consider having them wear pants that cover their legs. Be sure to examine your child’s skin for small insects or bug bites after they have finished playing outside for the day.
Store Maintenance Equipment Away from Kids
Once you’ve maintained your lawn, make sure you put your equipment away. Countless children get severely injured by nearby tools. Lawnmowers and weed whackers are dangerous for children. As soon as you’re finished your yard work, store the maintenance items in a place away from kids to prevent an accidental injury. If possible, inspect the yard area when you finish your work before allowing your children to come outside to play.
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Protect Your Yard With Fencing
Many children tend to be especially adventurous and curious. Because of this, it is important that they do not wander off your property when you aren’t looking. If you live near a street, they could get hurt if drivers are unable to see them. To prevent this, consider adding some fencing to your property. A sturdy fence will not only provide your family with protection, but it will also help you maintain your privacy.
Give Kids a Designated Outdoor Play Area
One of the best ways to avoid accidents is to set clear boundaries for where your children can and can’t play. If you feel you must treat your lawn with chemicals, that’s not the best spot for play. Consider marking off a section that you don’t treat to give children a safer play area. Monitor your septic tank, which carries sewage away from your home, as advised to prevent toxic leaks.
Your children need to get outside and enjoy themselves so they can get the exercise they need. If you want them in the yard on a regular basis, you must take the proper safety precautions. Whether you maintain your own lawn or have professional help, make sure your child can clearly observe their surroundings. You also need to make sure equipment and potentially hazardous chemicals are out of their reach. These simple steps can have a big impact on safety.
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Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger based in New Mexico. Her first passion is journalism, but she also loves hiking and gardening. Brooke recommends seeking professional help when handling complex projects such as septic tank maintenance. Find her on writer and Facebook.
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