For parents interested in herbal remedies for their children, slippery elm is a product you should have on your radar. It can be used to treat tummy aches, coughs, bronchitis, urinary infections, baby rashes, and more.
What is Slippery Elm?
Slippery Elm is native to North America, and was widely used by Native Americans as medicine and as food. The inner bark of the tree is the only part used, often in powdered form. It is mucilaginous and has coating, lubricating, and cooling properties that soothe irritated and raw membranes. These properties relax the mucosa of the digestive system, stimulating a reflex action through spinal nerves to related areas such respiratory and urinary systems. In addition to aiding recovery from stomach viruses and food poisoning, Slippery Elm is a very valuable remedy for respiratory issues, such as coughs, bronchitis, and urinary infections. It also prevents and alleviates symptoms of diaper rash.
Slippery Elm for Stomach Viruses and Food Poisoning
First of all, it is important to keep a vomiting baby or child well-hydrated. Also, if the illness persists for more than a day, seek medical attention.
As a baby or child recovers and the appetite slowly returns, introduce soothing and easily digestible foods mixed with Slippery Elm. The powder form is recommended for its versatility. As a baby or child recovers from a tummy bug, a teaspoon of Slippery Elm can be added to a quarter cup of water and administered with a dropper or spoon. It can also be added to oatmeal, applesauce, milk, yogurt, mashed potatoes, cereals, smoothies, etc.
My favorite way to use it, especially for recovery from stomach viruses or food poisoning, is to mix Slippery Elm powder in mashed cassava (Manihot esculeneta), also known as yuca or mandioca, which is the root that tapioca is made from. Once peeled, cassava can be cooked in water just like potatoes and it also assists in the digestive tract’s recovery. It’s a very safe and gentle solid first food after illness, especially when mixed with Slippery Elm.
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Slippery Elm and Diaper Rash
Slippery Elm powder may also be used topically to help prevent and heal diaper rash. It can be used instead of commercial baby powders because it absorbs moisture and transforms into a gel-like substance which coats and protects the skin.
Additionally, if a rash is already present, combine Slippery Elm powder and honey to the consistency of a soft cream. Apply it to the tender areas to soothe the irritated skin. Naturally, exposing the baby’s bottom to air as often as possible is helpful as well.
Slippery Elm and Respiratory Illnesses
Slippery Elm is a very valuable remedy for respiratory complaints such as coughs and bronchitis. Mixed with honey again, but to a firmer consistency so it can be rolled into balls, Slippery Elm powder brings great relief to sore throats when swallowed or in tea.
I always have several ounces of Slippery Elm powder in a glass jar in my kitchen because it’s a very useful, safe, and comforting ally. I have used it for my child with very positive results.
There is no
known limit to the amounts of Slippery Elm that can be safely consumed.
Purchasing Slippery Elm
It can be easily purchased online and found in some good health food stores. Some of the places in the New York area where it can be found are as follows:
- Flower Power in Manhattan
- The Herb Shoppe in Brooklyn
And a good online source is www.Mountainroseherbs.com
*Disclaimer- not meant to take the place of medical advice.
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Isa Brito is an Herbal Educator, Holistic Health Counselor, American Association of Drugless Practitioners Board Certified. She lives in Brooklyn with her daughter where she practices and teaches. She owns a small line of handmade herbal products.
The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the blog contributor’s. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider. Writers may have conflicts of interest, and their opinions are their own.
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