We all want to eat, drink and be merry with our families during the holidays. Who cares if we have that extra glass of wine or that “I wish I hadn’t eaten it” late night helping of pumpkin cheese cake? Besides weight gain, many of us experience acid reflux, the regurgitation of stomach acid into […]
Tag: Christmas

Should You Get Your Kids a Pet for Christmas?
Getting for Christmas teaches children the importance of responsibility. Here are some tips to ensure your children and pets are happy and healthy together!

Proper Etiquette When Sharing the Holidays with Your Nanny
Unsure how to involve your nanny in holiday celebrations? Check out these great tips for gifts for your nanny, involving them in your celebrations, and keeping everyone safe and healthy!

Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Keeping Joy in the Holidays During the Pandemic
Joy seems like an almost foreign concept during this pandemic. Dr. Gramma Karen invites Mary O’Connor to share how we can still find joy during the holiday season.

Tips for Happy Holidays
The holidays can be a fun and festive time. Unfortunately they can also be busy, rushed and stressful, and that can cause your children to be less than festive themselves. Here are some tips to keep your holidays happy. All that you have to do is keep K.I.D.S. in mind. Kisses Respect your child’s wish […]

Our Favorite Mom and Child Products for the Holidays
Welcome to our ‘Scoop On Stuff’ round-up: The Holiday Edition! ‘Tis the season – of warmth, of joy, and of giving special gifts to loved ones. From learning apps to car safety solutions, and personalized toddler sets to fashion-forward mom and baby gear, we’ve got some holiday cheer! Here are some of our favorite new […]

Staying Stress-Free During the Holidays
The holiday season has officially fallen upon us, and in hand with the festive cheer, gathering of family and friends, and holiday music comes a whole lot of stress. According to research from last holiday season, 31 percent of Americans would describe the holiday season as “frantic.” As much as we may like to put on the facade that the holiday season is still a time of cheer, we should face the fact that it’s stressing all of us out.

Seasonal Safety Tips for the Holidays
Holiday decorations, especially candles and electrical lighting, can be fire hazards.
Parents and grandparents should take a few precautions when decorating and entertaining for Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwaanza and other fall/winter holidays and festivities.