Setting Up a Stress-Less Summer
Handling Conflict With Your Children
Advice That Never Gets Old
Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Readers’ Comments on Skyping Situation

Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Readers’ Comments on Skyping Situation

Several readers responded to my column, “Granddaughter Resists Skyping with Grandmother”. Some merely wanted to say they appreciated having the list of websites with digital activities that could make “staying connected” more fun and interesting. “Great timing! Our Skyping with our granddaughters was beginning to feel a bit forced and repetitious, so having some different […]

Joyful Revolution
Establishing Limits: The Great Bedtime Debate
What to Do When Time Out Isn’t Working
Supporting Your Baby’s Development – Why Music Matters: Teleclass Re-cap

Supporting Your Baby’s Development – Why Music Matters: Teleclass Re-cap

Music can play a powerful role in our lives, and for babies and young children, introducing music early on can promote healthy brain development. The impact of music on the brain is becoming a ‘hot’ topic in science. This week, we held a fun and illuminating teleclass with expert Deanna deCampos, founder of Eastside Westside […]