Building Your Labor and Delivery Tool Kit: Teleclass Recap

Building Your Labor and Delivery Tool Kit: Teleclass Recap

In case you missed this highly informative teleclass, presented by doula and prenatal specialist Deb Flashenberg, you can find a recording of the class here. During the teleclass, Deb recommended this article and suggested these videos as some great resources for expecting moms. She also provided the following tips (originally posted on her blog) to […]

Newborn Rashes
Helping Kids Understand Change and Transition
Top 10 Tips for Enhancing Language Development for Caregivers or Nannies

Top 10 Tips for Enhancing Language Development for Caregivers or Nannies

1. Follow the child’s lead. Youngsters beginning to speak (around 12 months of age) tend to speak about what interests them, therefore, a key strategy that should guide caregiver language is to follow the child’s lead. In doing so, we are more likely to obtain a spontaneous imitation or utterance expansion from the child if […]

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Blueberry Yogurt Scones