Although being in a yard keeps kids safe from the outside world, there are dangers within your yard that can harm children when left unchecked. Here are some maintenance tips that will help you make your yard a safe place to play.
Tag: outdoors

How to Keep Kids Safe from Major Springtime Pests
No matter what steps you take to keep your home clean and well-maintained, you will probably have to deal with at least a few unwanted critters on your property every spring. Luckily, the average homeowner can greatly reduce their risk of a major pest infestation by carrying out a few simple projects. Here are some of those steps you can take to keep pests out of your yard.

10 Tips for Staying In a Cabin with Kids
Child-friendly cabin vacations offer the opportunity to enjoy fun, adventurous activities surrounded by natural beauty and plenty of fresh air.

Get Your Kids to Play outside Again after Quarantine
With quarantine lasting as long as it has, your kids may have grown a bit too comfortable lounging at home with electronics. Here are some ways to get them playing outside again (and giving you a break)!

25 Ways to Recreate Classic Summer Experiences at Home
Summer is finally here! While this isn’t the summer we were expecting to have, there are still some ways we can make sure it’s a special one. Here are some great ideas to make summer feel ‘summer-y,’ even though we’re still at home.

How to Get Your Kids Unplugged and Outdoors
Now that Spring has arrived, does this sound familiar: You walk into the living room or den on a bright, sunny day only to find several heads bent down and staring into a little glowing screen? If you think about how much time your kids are spending with their tech, instead of outside getting fresh air and vitamin D from the sunshine, you might be worried. And you would have good reason to be.

How to Modify Your Backyard as Your Children Grow
Green spaces matter to your family’s overall health and enjoyment. Studies reveal the power of nature to inspire positive mood and creativity while free play grows a child’s imagination and social skills.

5 Ways To Promote Outdoor Exercise for Kids
Are your kids getting enough exercise? Children’s health organization Nemours recommends that children between ages 6 and 17 get a minimum of 60 minutes of physical activity every day. Spring, when the weather starts to warm up and kids find themselves itching to go outside, is an excellent time to encourage your kids to get […]