What risk does monkeypox pose to someone who is pregnant? Will it impact the safety of the fetus? We asked an expert about the intersection of pregnancy and disease.
Tag: Pregnancy

You’ve Decided You Want a Baby—Now What?
So you’ve decided you want a baby—now what? Here’s what to consider when it comes to preparing for such an undertaking.

10 Pregnancy and Postpartum Natural Remedies
Please enjoy this list of 10 healthful hints for pregnancy, labor and postpartum. Much of this information is gathered from friends, students, hands-on experience, mentors and teachers. I strongly believe in learning from others, so please feel free to pass this along to all your friends! Olive oil on baby’s bottom prevents the meconium from […]

How Baby Showers Work and How to Make Them Fun
Discover ways you can make your baby shower work and how to make it way more fun than any others you’ve attended before.

This Is How to Deal With Leg Cramps during Pregnancy
Just when you’ve managed your active pregnancy bladder and embraced the frequent bathroom visits – leg cramps begin to set in! Here are some tips to keep the blood circulating and to help reduce leg cramping:

Fun Things to Do in NYC While Pregnant
Going on a vacation while pregnant can feel boring. There’s so much you can’t eat, drink, or try out because it’s bad for the baby. But as people become more comfortable traveling and more things open up, a trip to New York City can end up being the perfect vacation for expecting mothers. Whether it’s your […]

How Gestational Diabetes Can Impact Your Baby
Gestational diabetes can cause complications for pregnant moms, but how does it affect the baby? Here are a few ways your baby can be impacted by this disease.

6 Things I Wish I Had Known Before Giving Birth
I once did an interview with a mother of twins, who baffled me. She had given birth to twins naturally, without pain relief, and was hesitant about using the term “painful” when talking about the process. She was in labor for less than three hours, and she walked out of the delivery room with her babies.