Preventing Picky Eaters: Mealtime Success – Teleclass Re-cap

Preventing Picky Eaters: Mealtime Success – Teleclass Re-cap

Picky eating is a common issue facing parents – so common that many of us just resign ourselves to it! But did you know there may be ways to prevent it? We recently held a teleclass, expertly facilitated by Amy Marlow, registered dietitian and mom of three, and generously sponsored by Happy Family and buybuyBABY, where participants learned […]

How Can I Discipline My Two-Year-Old
Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: DIL Always Giving In To Granddaughters’ Bad Behavior

Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: DIL Always Giving In To Granddaughters’ Bad Behavior

Here is a question for you about what seems to be little, maybe no, discipline. I see my daughter-in-law succumbing to the tantrum and power plays of her aggressive 5-year-old, Donna, and her sweet 11-year-old, Carol. Most times my DIL’s succumbing is at the sacrifice of what she, or others, want to see happen. There […]

Mommybites Chit-Chat: Dr. Kristin Carothers, Clinical Psychologist at the Child Mind Institute

Mommybites Chit-Chat: Dr. Kristin Carothers, Clinical Psychologist at the Child Mind Institute

Mommybites Chit-Chat: Conversations with luminaries, entrepreneurs and influencers in the parenting world Tell us a little about you (your background, your job, what makes you tick or anything else you think our Mommybites moms will find interesting). I am Kristin Joy Carothers. I am the mother of Amir, a soon to be 6-month-old baby boy, […]

Five Tips to Help Your Child Not Turn Into a Pumpkin as Daylight Saving Ends
Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Grandmother Has Problems with Disobedient Grandchildren

Ask Dr. Gramma Karen: Grandmother Has Problems with Disobedient Grandchildren

I read and loved your response to the grandma with the undisciplined twin five-year-olds. I’m in a similar situation, except my “grandchildren” – who aren’t really my grandchildren – are 10 and 11. My husband and I have been married 33 years, and these two children are from our son’s significant other (they are not […]

Mommybites Chit-Chat: Nicole Feliciano, Founder & CEO of Momtrends Media

Mommybites Chit-Chat: Nicole Feliciano, Founder & CEO of Momtrends Media

Mommybites Chit-Chat: Conversations with luminaries, entrepreneurs and influencers in the parenting world Tell us a little about you (your background, your job, what makes you tick or anything else you think our Mommybites moms will find interesting). I’m the Founder & CEO of Momtrends Media, a million-dollar brand providing busy women with a daily dose […]