This Is How to Apply Naegele’s Rule to Predict a Due Date
7 Gender-Neutral Alternatives to a Gender Reveal Party

7 Gender-Neutral Alternatives to a Gender Reveal Party

While gender reveal parties are a staple of many pregnancy journeys, you may be looking for a new alternative to an old tradition. Though these parties only recently sprung up in popularity, they tend to uphold outdated gender roles. Pink and blue are lovely shades — but many people become wrapped up in assigning traits, personalities, and even colors to babies based on their sex. Gender is more about personal expression, making the name ironically inaccurate from the start.

Baby Registry Advice: Secrets to Creating a Great Baby Registry
What Every New Mother Needs: A Recovery Plan

What Every New Mother Needs: A Recovery Plan

While I understand the desire to minimize hospital based interventions, I promise that most of what happens on labor and delivery is uncertain at best, and trying to control the delivery process can only disappoint. But, the good news is, after the delivery of your infant there are some things you can plan. I would consider everything you need for yourself and infant.

Pregnancy Diet & Nutrition: 5 Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy

Pregnancy Diet & Nutrition: 5 Tips for a Healthy Pregnancy

When you’re pregnant, you should be paying special attention to your nutritional needs. You and your baby need more nutrients than you did before pregnancy. Here are some guidelines for the kinds of foods you should be eating, and their nutritional benefits. Eat Spinach During pregnancy it is so important to get enough Folate (or in […]

4 Common Problems Your Child Can Have at Birth
Changes to Your Body during Stages of Pregnancy
12 Things to Do with Your First Child Before the Second One Arrives