Our grandchildren (grade-school age) have started playing sports. We are wondering about the phenomena of giving every child a trophy, no matter the outcome of his/her season. To us, it seems like an idea that doesn’t help children deal with defeat, the value of practice and trying again, hard work and teamwork – in other […]
Category: Big Kid
We know you probably hear this all the time, but don’t kids grow up so fast!? One minute you’re worrying that your baby will never sleep through the night and may very well go to school without being potty trained and the next minute, they’re all grown up (which brings it’s own set of challenges!). Don’t worry because here you’ll find parenting tips, through big kid articles, videos and activities on fostering positive friendships, healthy eating habits, language and developmental delays, protecting your children from predators, reinforcing learning at home and more!
A Guide to Choosing an International School
Choosing the right school for your kids can be nerve-racking—whether you’re just moving to New York City or trying to figure out your family’s educational path. Even though our children live in a digitally connected world, they can still feel disconnected and out of place. An international school can be the perfect place to hone […]
This Is How to Stop Kids from Whining
There’s nothing that gets on a parent’s nerves like a whining child. However, it is important that we don’t lose our cool. There’s a right way and a wrong way to stop kids from whining. From gripe to grumble, these 8 tips can help you stop your kids from whining. Be Aware of Age If […]
Approaching a New Year with Less Frustration
I want to head into the new year feeling less, well… MAD all of the time. I find myself frustrated and angry, and I do not want to parent this way. I get this. The new year always brings about self-reflection. This is a great question and many will probably want to follow in your […]
This Is How to Manage Kids’ Gift Expectations during Hard Times
With many New Yorkers unemployed due to the coronavirus pandemic, this holiday’s gifting will likely be smaller. Here’s how to manage your kids’ expectations.
Here’s Hope for Your Picky Eater This Holiday Season
It’s hard to please those picky eaters, especially during the food-filled holidays. Never fear, check out some ways you can get your child involved in the food festivities!
Telehealth for Infants, Toddlers, Teens, and Parents
Virtual visits are a game changer for new parents. There was a staggering 2,532% rise in telehealth services this year—and many of the new converts are parents of infants. This should come as no surprise: Virtual visits have taken the anxiety and risk out of taking your baby to the doctor. By eliminating travel and reducing cost, telehealth can feel like a miracle for new parents.
Should You Get Your Kids a Pet for Christmas?
Getting for Christmas teaches children the importance of responsibility. Here are some tips to ensure your children and pets are happy and healthy together!