I see parents carry around snacks – lots of snacks for their kids. I don’t do that. I want my kids to eat their meals. Am I being too tough? Am I starving my kid? There is nothing that sends some folks into high gear like their child saying, “I’m HUNGRY!” I am in no […]
Category: Nanny
Welcome nannies and parents! The relationship between a caregiver and a child can be one of the most important relationships for a child and one that parents often have the most questions about. Here you’ll find articles, videos and events on how to find a nanny, fostering a positive relationship between caregivers and children, improving the communication between caregivers and parents (and vice versa!) and more!

Finding and Hiring a Nanny: Teleclass Re-Cap
This week, we held an important and informative teleclass, generously sponsored by Care.com, on how to find, interview and hire a Nanny. Our presenter, Tammy Gold from Gold Parent Coaching, explored strategies in sourcing and maintaining the best nanny for your family. Tammy went over such points as what a nanny does, how much a […]

Why Consistency IS the Key
There was a recent article denouncing the positivity and usefulness of consistency. Rigidity, yes, denounce away. Unrealistic expectation of perfect parenting, yup, denounce that too. Consistency, though- that is the keeper. Read on and you will discover the three misconceptions about consistency. Consistency Is Impossible Nahhhhh, consistency is not impossible, it just takes clarity of […]

The Little Perfectionists
Yes, I’m talking about perfectionists at age three. I’m talking about the tantrums that happen when they can’t find middle C on the piano immediately. And yes, I’m talking about how they are swearing off piano when they make one mistake while practicing. I see and hear about it all too often with our young […]

Flaxseed, Apple and Plum Muffins
Do you want to add some extra fiber in your diet? Try these flaxseed apple and plum muffins. They are made with whole wheat flour and are filled with nutrients. They are also pleasantly sweet from the brown sugar, apple and plum. If you don’t have an apple on hand, use two plums instead. The […]

Does Time Out Really Work?
All my friends and I use Time Out, but agree that it is not working for us most of the time. Are we doing it wrong? I cannot tell you how many times I am asked about Time Out. Many parents and educators are stuck in Time Out Mode – the situation in which grown […]

7 Ways to Keep Kids Healthy
Kids are very sturdy… until they are not! Children can get through a lot, but as adults, it is our responsibility to give them the best environment to grow in. Kids get into a lot of things and they are always getting their hands dirty and shoving random and gross things in each other’s mouths. […]

Toilet Training!
Toilet training is a major milestone for your toddler – and for you! It is no wonder there are so many questions and concerns that arise on this topic. Some basics to consider There is no right age. Some children are ready as early as 18 months or two years, while others are not ready […]