I am happy to say my husband and I spend a lot of time with our four young grandchildren. Here is where we could use some advice: We live in a state in which many children and adults died in a horrific school shooting carried out by a young man. We are looking for guidance […]
Category: Nanny
Welcome nannies and parents! The relationship between a caregiver and a child can be one of the most important relationships for a child and one that parents often have the most questions about. Here you’ll find articles, videos and events on how to find a nanny, fostering a positive relationship between caregivers and children, improving the communication between caregivers and parents (and vice versa!) and more!

Unexpected Emergencies Parents Need to Know About: Part I
Part 1: Dental Emergencies No one ever tells you quite how difficult it will be to be a parent. What no one really tells you is what to do in any and all emergency situations. Sometimes a situation seems uncommon and out of your hands, but it is important to know what to do if […]

Getting Back on Track After School Breaks
Vacations and school breaks are a great way for kids (and adults) to unwind, relax, and have a break from their day-to-day responsibilities. Kids don’t have to wake up early, pay attention all day, do homework – and if they are really lucky, they may get a break on chores and bedtimes too. This break […]

Chia Chocolate Chip Bread
My kids love chocolate chips and I wanted to find a way to give a boost of nutrition to a chocolate chip muffin recipe that I often use. I decided to add white chia seeds to the batter since they are often unnoticed in a baked good. Black chia seeds stand out, which might cause […]

How to Love a Child
I came across this poem the other day, and loved it so much I just had to share: How to Really Love a Child by Sark Be there. Say yes as often as possible. Let them bang on pots and pans. If they’re crabby, put them in water. If they’re unlovable, love yourself. Realize how […]

Don’t Just Read: More Ways to Engage Our Youngest Readers
As adults, we have book clubs to discuss topics and themes after we finish reading our book. High school and college literature classes delve into deep conversations and write complex papers about books through the course of their reading. Children should have a similar experience while reading; there is no reason to limit reading a […]

The Valentine’s Day Phone Pact
My husband and I are expecting our first child a few weeks after Valentine’s Day. The proximity to the “day of love” and just the pure excitement of meeting our little one has our hearts all a-flutter. It’s also set the stage for many a philosophical conversation about what kind of parents we will be, […]
Ask Amanda: Appreciating Literature Creatively
Q: What are some creative ways to keep track of books read at home? I want my children to have a museum of sorts which highlights the wonderful literature they explore both at home and in school. A: With National Read across America Day approaching in early March, it is a perfect time to gear […]