Dear Woman, You are enough. You are good enough, beautiful enough, imperfectly perfect enough. Pay no attention to the messages out there that tell you you need to be doing more or better – or feeling crappy about any part of your being. Tune it all out to the best of your ability, because I […]
Category: Healthy Living
Healthy Living is where you can find more about how to live a healthy and sustainable lifestyle as well as how to better your emotional health. There are so many factors in our daily lives that all contribute to our overall health – nutrition, environment, products, stress, relationships, etc. – it is important for us to take a holistic look at how we can better our health in all we do.
Each week we will invite healthy living pros to come share tips and tricks we can all use to create a better environment for ourselves, our families and largely our world. Moms move the world: let’s make it a healthier one!
The Mommybites’ Healthy Living section is co-hosted by Mott’s and Mommybites. This partnership does not influence the content, topics or posts made on this blog. We always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on all topics, products, and services.

Natural, Organic and Healthy at Natural Products Expo East
Mommybites visited Natural Products Expo East in Baltimore and loved learning about the latest and greatest in the natural and organic products world! Like what you read? Sign up for our free newsletter so you can be informed of the latest FREE webinars & teleclasses, parenting articles, & weekly raffles. The views and opinions expressed on […]

Overprotective Is Not the Secret to Good Parenting
From the first time a mother carries her first born, she freaks out. It’s a natural thing for a first-time mother to be overprotective of her child and worry about everything – lifting the baby’s head, driving the baby home, bathing, clipping nails, colds, fever, etc. As the baby learns to roll over, crawl, and […]

Ways to Boost Your Fertility Naturally
Are you wondering if there’s anything you can do to boost your fertility before resorting to fertility treatments? (Or do you want to help the effectiveness of those treatments?) Good news: by making a few simple diet & lifestyle changes, you can greatly increase your likelihood of conception. (1) The challenging part, of course, is […]

To Share or Not to Share?
“YOU have been using that for a long time, it is your sister’s turn.” “Yes, it is yours, but let your brother use it for a little.” “Be nice! SHARE.” I know that being able to share is an important virtue, and one that we hold in very high regard. But I ask this: Do […]

Smart Food Choices Help Clean Up the Water Supply
If you live in the city of Toledo and you’re still buying produce via conventional agriculture, you might want to rethink that choice. Or if you live in any of the areas affected by blue-green algae blooms, you might want to start voting with your dollars and buy local organic regenerative agriculture. The cost of […]

Healthy Back to School Snack Ideas
Back to school time is coming up fast and, as you already know, it’s hectic to say the least! Coming off of a busy summer can leave parents frazzled and overwhelmed before the school year even begins. It’s important to help your children shift gears from summer fun and days by the pool to the […]

Flourless Chickpea Chocolate Loaf
Are you looking to sneak some nutrients into your child’s dessert? Try these chickpea mini chocolate loaves made with an entire can of chickpeas. The taste is mild with no “bean” taste, just a nice fudgy, chocolate flavor. The texture is slightly crumby so you may be cleaning up a small trail of crumbs after […]