My daughter was requesting bran pancakes one morning. I wasn’t in the mood to make the pancakes so I decided to make them into cake pops instead. For kids, eating lollipops for breakfast is always a fun thing! These cake pops are sweet, hearty and super healthy so everyone in the family can have a […]
Category: Healthy Living
Healthy Living is where you can find more about how to live a healthy and sustainable lifestyle as well as how to better your emotional health. There are so many factors in our daily lives that all contribute to our overall health – nutrition, environment, products, stress, relationships, etc. – it is important for us to take a holistic look at how we can better our health in all we do.
Each week we will invite healthy living pros to come share tips and tricks we can all use to create a better environment for ourselves, our families and largely our world. Moms move the world: let’s make it a healthier one!
The Mommybites’ Healthy Living section is co-hosted by Mott’s and Mommybites. This partnership does not influence the content, topics or posts made on this blog. We always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on all topics, products, and services.

Green Parenting: What is Kickstarter?
Lately I’ve been receiving a lot of requests from friends to fund their Kickstarter projects. Leery as I always am when it comes to anyone asking me for donations online, I have mainly ignored them. But last week a person I admire was jubilant when their Kickstarter campaign got fully funded and she was able […]

Want a Non-Toxic Nursery?
Having a Baby? Congratulations! You are on one of life’s most incredible journeys. Being a parent is the best thing I’ve ever done. This time of preparation is a very sweet and special time as you transition to Parenthood. Now, you’re getting ready for Baby and you want to create a baby-safe space. What fun! […]

Green Parenting: A Bit of Eco Inspiration
I have the good fortune of being a part of a women’s eco-warrier group that includes 127 of the nation’s most inspiring, dedicated and active eco-conscious women. Our main goal of the group is to “believe in the movement and want to add to the conversation about green living and green activism.” I love this […]

Quieting the Pregnant Mind
Most people respond to life changing events with a mix of excitement, hesitation and anxiety. And let’s face it, having a baby is one of the biggest life changes one can face! Luckily, there are quiet restorative yoga poses and pranayamas (breathing exercises) that help quiet the mind, balance the breath and relax the body. […]

Composting: Pollution Prevention and Fertilizer, Too
Last week I was off to California with my family for a little adventure when I spotted a curious site. A noodle shop I ate at with my girls didn’t have a garbage can; it had a compost bin and a recycling bin. Isn’t that amazing and baffling at the same time?! Now, I know […]

Rosemary: The Herb Of Affection
Rosemary is a charming shrub. Its Latin name Rosmarinus means dew-of-the-sea, probably because rosemary generally grows well by the seashore. It can reach about 1.5-3 meters in height. Its bushy stems and downy young shoots are covered with about 2 cm of long, narrow, needle-like aromatic leaves; dark green on top and grayish underneath with […]

Do You and Your Family Need Vitamins?
As we are in the midst of one of the worst flu seasons yet, many parents come into my office asking for my advice on what supplements or vitamins their family should be taking to help keep their immune systems strong and their health in check. If you’ve ever seen me as a patient, you […]