4 Tips for Helping Your Toddler Sleep on Their Own

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Your toddler might have trouble sleeping alone.

To help your little one gain a better sense of independence, there are some things that you can do as a parent to encourage them. Here are four tips for helping your toddler sleep on their own.

Insist Your Toddler Sleep on Their Own

In the nicest way possible, you should emphasize the importance of sleeping in their own bedroom, and insist on them doing so. Even if your toddler throws a tantrum with a lot of crying and screaming, it’s important not to backtrack if you hope to make any progress.

Eventually, your little one will become comfortable sleeping alone and won’t be as tempted to come back into your bedroom if clear boundaries have been established and enforced (and re-inforced).

Return Them to Their Bed

If your toddler tries to climb into your bed in the middle of the night, the best thing to do is to return them to their bed every time. Simply carrying your toddler back to their room without speaking can be effective.

You should resist the urge to try to bargain with your child if the expectations for sleeping in their own bed are already established.

Make Your Child’s Bedroom Comfortable

A comfortable bedroom will likely make your child feel more inclined to sleep there on her own. Having a plush mattress that’s sized appropriately for a toddler will help make sleeping conditions more relaxing. You can give your child’s room an even cozier appeal by including a cozy chair and other furniture pieces that enhance the comforts of home.

It’s also important to make sure that the heating and air conditioning in the bedroom are set to the most comfortable temperatures and are working correctly.

Add a Nightlight

If a fear of the dark is causing your little one to have difficulty sleeping alone, putting in a nightlight can help. The best nightlights are made to emit enough light to keep the bedroom from being totally dark without being so bright that sleep is impossible.

You can find kid-friendly nightlights that come in the shapes of animals and other unique objects that can make any toddler’s bedroom a more enjoyable place to be.

Getting your toddler to sleep alone doesn’t have to be an impossible task. By taking the proper measures, you can get your little one to sleep in their own bed in almost no time.

Anica Oaks is a freelance writer who hails from San Francisco. When she’s not writing, she’s enjoying her time outside with her dogs. Anica recommends a wicker chair and other cozy furniture for your child’s room. Keep up with her on Twitter @anicaoaks.

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