The Calm Parent: Momcast Re-cap

tantrum, kid throwing tantrum, calm parenting, calm parent, scream free parenting

We all “know” that calm parents are good for children.

Parents know that in the midst of the mayhem, staying calm and not yelling is key. But unless you’re made of stone, it’s extremely hard to maintain even keel when you are dealing with kids day in and day out.

Debbie Pincus, licensed psychotherapist, coach with training in family systems, and Executive Director of The Relationship Center spoke to Mommybites and shared her unique approach to parenting.

Instead of going after children with a knee-jerk reaction,The Calm Parent program focuses on helping parents to be effective leaders of their families. Debbie discussed how anxiety operates in families, and the importance of controlling yourself instead of your child.

Some topics that Debbie covered during the Momcast included : remaining less reactive and calmer towards your children, how to influence our kids without being bossy, and what our children really need from us.

In case you missed The Calm Parent Momcast, you can listen to the re-play here.

If you would like to contact Debbie directly to address your specific concerns, you may reach her at 914-834-4965 or

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